Other Fan Fiction ❯ Musekinin's Pyscho Classroom Summary & Characters
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Shizzam 
This is my first post of an anime story I'm making soon. Before I start the 1st chapter, I would like to instroduce you to the plot and characters. ^-^
Ameri Wakatsuki, after the tragic accident of her parents in a car crash, she has been given to her older sister to live with. Ameri is unusual, she's quiet, a top grader, and she always transfers into different schools to find a class that actually understands her. When she gets transferred into Musekinin Academy, into Class 5-B, she actually gets more than what she bargains for.
Genre: Comedy, Adventure,Slice of Life,Weirdass Students, etc.
Ameri Wakatsuki- A quiet and intelligent girl that always transfers into different schools to find friends. She befriends Kei, a lazy boy who is her first friend, and everyone in the class. She is very friendly and optimistic kind of girl. (Student # 20)
Kei Kitazono- Ameri's first friend. He is lazy and has a strong craving for sweets such as cake and s. Through his laziness and gloomy attitude, he is actually highly intelligent. He is Mizuna's and Kazuya's childhood friend. He lives with his drunken mother. (Student # 1)
Mizuna Otohashi- A very strong girl who is in love with Kei, her childhood friend. She despises Ameri, claiming she took her best friend. She is very protective of Kei, due to her always protecting her in their childhood and she is to return back the favor. She is also best friends with Kazuya, though whenever he flirts with her, she either punches him or ignores. It is revealed to Ameri that she secretly works at a cosplay maid cafe and Mizuna pleades her to not tell Kei. She is Kara Saionji's older cousin and rival. (Student # 5)
Umi Takarizawa- Pink colored pigtails and yellow colored cat eyes, she is a real life neko and is the model of moe to the whole class. With her white tail and curled ears, she hardly speaks without saying "Nyaaaa~" She befriends Ameri. She also watches the popular live action drama called, "Zombie Battle Maid" She also can turn into a cat. (Student # 2)
Hisana Kamikaze- A dumb and energetic girl who is also an anime otaku. She is Kishou's younger sibling and is the exact opoisite of her brother. She is immature and he isn't. She has a craving for Yaoi, always rooting on Madarame and Kentarou. Even though she's not good at academics, she is VERY skilled at video games and dating sims. She always had a dream ever since she was a little girl to have a part alien, part wizard boyfriend. (Student # 7)
Tsumugi- The youngest student of the class (About 9 years old) and is the most intelligent. She is very small, even for age 9. She is also very sarcastic and is the leader of the science club, along with Kentarou, Hisana, and Boborou. It is rumoured that her IQ level is around 300 and that she has magical powers. She is Boborou's younger sibling but treats him like a maid. She usually stays at the corner of the class and drinks oolong tea. The other students call her Mugi-chan or Mugi-sama, from a high level of respect. (Student # 10)
Kentarou Otomaga IIV- A science nerd that is named after his father and his grandfather. He has a generation of famous mad scientist. He is also part Italian. There's also a non suprising side of him, he's PERVERTED. He is madly in love with Umi, Mutsumi, Shiho, Mizuna, pretty much every girl in the damn class! But he loves Umi the most. Teamed up with Kishou, they are often caught taping the girls, espically when they're changing! Because of his mistake with chemicals, he turned Boborou into a literally into a monster. (Student # 12)
Madarame Kitaragi- A crossdressing guy that wears a dress and dress shoes. In his childhood, he is often teased by other boys that he looked like a girl with his long hair and bangs. Due to that, he gave up and started drsssing and acting like a woman. He is very good at designing clothes for the girls in the class and is one if the only guys in the class that isn't perverted. He is very polite and often teases Kentarou about their 'relainship' as Hisana spirts out with blood. He helps Umi cosplay as a battle maiden. Hisana was the only person he had ever talked to and actually understood him in their childhood. In Middle School, he asks her to be his girlfriend but she kindly rejects him. Hisana states that she wants a part alien part wizard boyfriend. After time, Madarame still feels the same way. (Student # 14)
Mutsumi Noda- A tall but beautiful girl that as a child befriended Kiyora and Kishou. She has a big figure and plays basketball. She is always annoyed at Kishou when he gets perverted with her and Kiyora. Deep down, she actually has a small crush on him in 6th grade but it only a little remained. it is revealed later in the story that she had an ex boyfriend that always say cruel things to her about her body. She helps Ameri calm the class when it gets wild. (Student # 9)
Kishou Kamikaze- Hisana's older brother. He is perverted along with Kentarou and is narssistic. He thinks of hilarious ideas and pranks to make Mutsumi mad, like trying to kiss Kiyora. He actually cares about her alot. He usually is found with Mutsumi and Kiyora. He demands for them to call him master. He is popular with the ladies, even though he's in the special class. He tries to get Kara Saionji, Mizuna's cousin and rival, to ask him out. (Student # 4)
Kiyora Hasegawa- A very small girl with long unkempt black hair and bangs. For some apperent reason, she has the ability to rise her hair and to grow it constantly. Students at the academy call her "Kowai" which means scary. She is innocent and is very quiet, no one could barely hear her. She is best friends with Mutsumi and Kishou. She is often worried about things. She always thinks of Mutsumi as a big sister and thinks both her and Kishou make a cute couple. She has a small crush on another student out opf their class named Hitoma. (Student # 11)
Kazuya Itou- A sly guy that is very interested in Mizuna. He is her and Kei's best friend from their childhood. He enjoys teasing Mizuna until she drops a large truck on him! Through his romantic skills, he is very wise and offers Mizuna advise. He is very aware of Mizuna in love with Kei, but still feels the way he is for her. His red bangs cover his right eye. (Student # 6)
Jurosuke Sawabara- A quiet guy who always wears different masks everyday. His whole family does it. No one in the class saw him without mask on, except his friends Hisana, Kishou, and Hazudou. The masks have to do with his family of believing that if they wear masks, the japanese demon spirit, Wakkudu, will pass over them. He can do kendo and can play the electric guitar. (Student # 8)
Shiho Takagaki- An elegant girl with an amazing singing voice. She questions her weird friends. She use to be a little jpop singer and actress around age 8, but her education was more important for her parents. Ameri and the gang help her recover her career. Her parents are busy people so she rarely gets to see them. Shiho tries to see the good in people, instead of the bad. (Student # 3)
Hazudou Daidouji- A loud talking beat man. He usually states english words like "Cool" and "Groovy". He has a big afro and a big comb. If given a choice, he would wear his disco costume instead of the school uni s. He is friends with Kishou, Hisana, and Jurosuke. He secretly serves for Lord Saeki, who is actually his younger cousin. (Student # 13)
Momo and Raji 2000- Two twin talking robots built by the science department/club. Momo usually does most of the talking has her brother replies a sentence after. Since the science club won't take responsibility to them (Hisana wanted them but she is too unrepsonsible and forget about them the next day.) , Ameri takes them in her sister's house and lets them stay. They both at first called her "Onee chan" as sister but then call her "Okaa" as mother. Raji develops feelings for Tsumugi and even kisses her on the cheek as she gets frustrated. He says, "Even if I don't understand Love, it's way better than science." (Student # 16 and 17)
Boborou- Tsumugi's older brother that accidently got turned into a creature by Kentarou. He is very caring for her younger sister, despite the fact that she treats him as a maid and even makes him wear a maid suit. He feeds her, helps her stand her up on a desk when need to talk, and even carry her in and out of the classroom. Though it seems crazy, he knows that Tsumugi and him has had a bad life due to their parents abandening them. (Student # 15)
Shourai No Fon Chen Luu- Appears to be a young japanese school girl that has a different school uni and is very uncomfrontable, she is actually a chinese flesh robot built in the year 3000 to study Japan and bring back info to China. Ameri finds her strange and notices that she isn't from Japan. She then teaches her some japanese terms. She also has another updated body that visits Ameri. Since she doesn't understand what yuri is, she falls in love with her. Shourai means the future in japanese. (Student # 18)
Lord Saeki/Saeki Hisayori- A mysterious person in the class that the other students fear. Ameri finds out his or maybe even her secret..... (Student # 19)
Well, I hope you enjoyed that little introduction to the characters and what the storey is about. This took me a LONG time to finish. And sorry if I post this in the wrong forum! >.
Miscellaneous: Other Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.12.2010 | Pages: 1 | Words: 395 | Visits: 565 | Status: Completed

This is my first post of an anime story I'm making soon. Before I start the 1st chapter, I would like to instroduce you to the plot and characters. ^-^
Ameri Wakatsuki, after the tragic accident of her parents in a car crash, she has been given to her older sister to live with. Ameri is unusual, she's quiet, a top grader, and she always transfers into different schools to find a class that actually understands her. When she gets transferred into Musekinin Academy, into Class 5-B, she actually gets more than what she bargains for.
Genre: Comedy, Adventure,Slice of Life,Weirdass Students, etc.
Ameri Wakatsuki- A quiet and intelligent girl that always transfers into different schools to find friends. She befriends Kei, a lazy boy who is her first friend, and everyone in the class. She is very friendly and optimistic kind of girl. (Student # 20)
Kei Kitazono- Ameri's first friend. He is lazy and has a strong craving for sweets such as cake and s. Through his laziness and gloomy attitude, he is actually highly intelligent. He is Mizuna's and Kazuya's childhood friend. He lives with his drunken mother. (Student # 1)
Mizuna Otohashi- A very strong girl who is in love with Kei, her childhood friend. She despises Ameri, claiming she took her best friend. She is very protective of Kei, due to her always protecting her in their childhood and she is to return back the favor. She is also best friends with Kazuya, though whenever he flirts with her, she either punches him or ignores. It is revealed to Ameri that she secretly works at a cosplay maid cafe and Mizuna pleades her to not tell Kei. She is Kara Saionji's older cousin and rival. (Student # 5)
Umi Takarizawa- Pink colored pigtails and yellow colored cat eyes, she is a real life neko and is the model of moe to the whole class. With her white tail and curled ears, she hardly speaks without saying "Nyaaaa~" She befriends Ameri. She also watches the popular live action drama called, "Zombie Battle Maid" She also can turn into a cat. (Student # 2)
Hisana Kamikaze- A dumb and energetic girl who is also an anime otaku. She is Kishou's younger sibling and is the exact opoisite of her brother. She is immature and he isn't. She has a craving for Yaoi, always rooting on Madarame and Kentarou. Even though she's not good at academics, she is VERY skilled at video games and dating sims. She always had a dream ever since she was a little girl to have a part alien, part wizard boyfriend. (Student # 7)
Tsumugi- The youngest student of the class (About 9 years old) and is the most intelligent. She is very small, even for age 9. She is also very sarcastic and is the leader of the science club, along with Kentarou, Hisana, and Boborou. It is rumoured that her IQ level is around 300 and that she has magical powers. She is Boborou's younger sibling but treats him like a maid. She usually stays at the corner of the class and drinks oolong tea. The other students call her Mugi-chan or Mugi-sama, from a high level of respect. (Student # 10)
Kentarou Otomaga IIV- A science nerd that is named after his father and his grandfather. He has a generation of famous mad scientist. He is also part Italian. There's also a non suprising side of him, he's PERVERTED. He is madly in love with Umi, Mutsumi, Shiho, Mizuna, pretty much every girl in the damn class! But he loves Umi the most. Teamed up with Kishou, they are often caught taping the girls, espically when they're changing! Because of his mistake with chemicals, he turned Boborou into a literally into a monster. (Student # 12)
Madarame Kitaragi- A crossdressing guy that wears a dress and dress shoes. In his childhood, he is often teased by other boys that he looked like a girl with his long hair and bangs. Due to that, he gave up and started drsssing and acting like a woman. He is very good at designing clothes for the girls in the class and is one if the only guys in the class that isn't perverted. He is very polite and often teases Kentarou about their 'relainship' as Hisana spirts out with blood. He helps Umi cosplay as a battle maiden. Hisana was the only person he had ever talked to and actually understood him in their childhood. In Middle School, he asks her to be his girlfriend but she kindly rejects him. Hisana states that she wants a part alien part wizard boyfriend. After time, Madarame still feels the same way. (Student # 14)
Mutsumi Noda- A tall but beautiful girl that as a child befriended Kiyora and Kishou. She has a big figure and plays basketball. She is always annoyed at Kishou when he gets perverted with her and Kiyora. Deep down, she actually has a small crush on him in 6th grade but it only a little remained. it is revealed later in the story that she had an ex boyfriend that always say cruel things to her about her body. She helps Ameri calm the class when it gets wild. (Student # 9)
Kishou Kamikaze- Hisana's older brother. He is perverted along with Kentarou and is narssistic. He thinks of hilarious ideas and pranks to make Mutsumi mad, like trying to kiss Kiyora. He actually cares about her alot. He usually is found with Mutsumi and Kiyora. He demands for them to call him master. He is popular with the ladies, even though he's in the special class. He tries to get Kara Saionji, Mizuna's cousin and rival, to ask him out. (Student # 4)
Kiyora Hasegawa- A very small girl with long unkempt black hair and bangs. For some apperent reason, she has the ability to rise her hair and to grow it constantly. Students at the academy call her "Kowai" which means scary. She is innocent and is very quiet, no one could barely hear her. She is best friends with Mutsumi and Kishou. She is often worried about things. She always thinks of Mutsumi as a big sister and thinks both her and Kishou make a cute couple. She has a small crush on another student out opf their class named Hitoma. (Student # 11)
Kazuya Itou- A sly guy that is very interested in Mizuna. He is her and Kei's best friend from their childhood. He enjoys teasing Mizuna until she drops a large truck on him! Through his romantic skills, he is very wise and offers Mizuna advise. He is very aware of Mizuna in love with Kei, but still feels the way he is for her. His red bangs cover his right eye. (Student # 6)
Jurosuke Sawabara- A quiet guy who always wears different masks everyday. His whole family does it. No one in the class saw him without mask on, except his friends Hisana, Kishou, and Hazudou. The masks have to do with his family of believing that if they wear masks, the japanese demon spirit, Wakkudu, will pass over them. He can do kendo and can play the electric guitar. (Student # 8)
Shiho Takagaki- An elegant girl with an amazing singing voice. She questions her weird friends. She use to be a little jpop singer and actress around age 8, but her education was more important for her parents. Ameri and the gang help her recover her career. Her parents are busy people so she rarely gets to see them. Shiho tries to see the good in people, instead of the bad. (Student # 3)
Hazudou Daidouji- A loud talking beat man. He usually states english words like "Cool" and "Groovy". He has a big afro and a big comb. If given a choice, he would wear his disco costume instead of the school uni s. He is friends with Kishou, Hisana, and Jurosuke. He secretly serves for Lord Saeki, who is actually his younger cousin. (Student # 13)
Momo and Raji 2000- Two twin talking robots built by the science department/club. Momo usually does most of the talking has her brother replies a sentence after. Since the science club won't take responsibility to them (Hisana wanted them but she is too unrepsonsible and forget about them the next day.) , Ameri takes them in her sister's house and lets them stay. They both at first called her "Onee chan" as sister but then call her "Okaa" as mother. Raji develops feelings for Tsumugi and even kisses her on the cheek as she gets frustrated. He says, "Even if I don't understand Love, it's way better than science." (Student # 16 and 17)
Boborou- Tsumugi's older brother that accidently got turned into a creature by Kentarou. He is very caring for her younger sister, despite the fact that she treats him as a maid and even makes him wear a maid suit. He feeds her, helps her stand her up on a desk when need to talk, and even carry her in and out of the classroom. Though it seems crazy, he knows that Tsumugi and him has had a bad life due to their parents abandening them. (Student # 15)
Shourai No Fon Chen Luu- Appears to be a young japanese school girl that has a different school uni and is very uncomfrontable, she is actually a chinese flesh robot built in the year 3000 to study Japan and bring back info to China. Ameri finds her strange and notices that she isn't from Japan. She then teaches her some japanese terms. She also has another updated body that visits Ameri. Since she doesn't understand what yuri is, she falls in love with her. Shourai means the future in japanese. (Student # 18)
Lord Saeki/Saeki Hisayori- A mysterious person in the class that the other students fear. Ameri finds out his or maybe even her secret..... (Student # 19)
Well, I hope you enjoyed that little introduction to the characters and what the storey is about. This took me a LONG time to finish. And sorry if I post this in the wrong forum! >.
Miscellaneous: Other Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.12.2010 | Pages: 1 | Words: 395 | Visits: 565 | Status: Completed
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