Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Power in My Hands
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Jacque Koh 
Takatori Reji has always coveted power. Until he learns, perhaps too late, that power has limitations...
Fic Setting:
Takes place early in the story occurring in Mission 13 and splits from the canon story line from there.
Warnings: Adult Content, Nonconsensual Sex, (pairing) Squick - Takatori Reiji x Fujimiya Ran
Anime/Manga: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Drama |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 09.29.2002 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 7.0K |
Visits: 804 |
Status: Completed