By: SilentWillow920 What happens when Cassidy, a normal teenage girl, unleashes a Jinnee with great power, a greater appetite, and a not-so-high maturity level? The stars align and Silent Willow actually completes a short story! It's a miracle!
*^~.~^**COMPLETED!**^~.~^* For once, a not-so-long read from Moi! Have fun, and kids? Don't try any of this at home...
An original short story by none other than Silent Willow herself. It was an assignment for World Lit class, but after spending many grueling hours fabricating it, I couldn't let it go to waste!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy / Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.23.2002 | Pages: 3 | Words: 6.8K | Visits: 421 | Status: Completed