By: runeaegis This is my nest-egg, my brain child, my masterpiece and work in progress. You would not understand if I told you what nerve it takes for me to post this now, as this thing is in a perpetual process of developement- that is to say, nothing i post here is ever final. As far as content, this is a stroy about a bunch of elves and people who have a little too much fun running around and seeking their fortunes. I have angst, comeday, drama, romance, and adventure :) I rated it as movies are rated; that is, if my story were a movie, this is the rating I should think it would recieve. Please don't take offense or regard my rating too lighting, if you sincerely think it should be rated otherwise, then let me know (and give sufficient reason) and I'll consider it. In the meantime, no promises. Oh, and do enjoy!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.27.2002 | Pages: 2 | Words: 2.3K | Visits: 355 | Status: No Chapters