By: Cherry Blossom "Jealous. That’s what Wufei was. He was jealous. So jealous that he couldn’t stand to be around the other pilots right now. Their happiness was like a knife in his heart. Wufei tried to tell himself that it was their sickening lovey-doveyness that made him turn away but he knew it was only because he wanted what they had more than anything."
5xH het pairing, additional 1x2, 3x4, DxC pairings.
Warning you now, this is a looo~oong fic. And I'm too tired to try and divide it into chapters since it's all edited and correct the way I wanted without fooling around with formatting now. Ask me nicely later and I'll probably adjust it. but if you've got an hour or so, feel free to read the whole thing in one shebang! ^_^