Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ hiei's worst nightmare
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By: kenshin111 One long day hiei wakes up from his evning nap to see there is no food in the food storage holder. Them hiei sees yoko eating the last remains of the chicken that was left over.So hiei decides to go to the store to get some food. One his way to the store hiei see's sharky and so he starts to get scared and walk very sneeky away from sharky;s sight. But all ove a suden sharky looks over and see's hiei and so he goes to attack him so hiei hits sharky with it (sharky is a inflatabul shark)and sharky blows away. When hiei gets to the store he walks and and starts to shop until he see's that is all wemon at the store.So hiei dress up like a gril and starts to shop like a woman. Hiei walks over t a woman and says she looks cute so she smacks hiei in the face. After a while hiei got hot in his dress and takes it off and all the wemon see that he is a boy and start to attack him. hiei runs home with all the new food but all of a suden sharky comes back to attack hiei and he has his fin shoved with a sword . hiei hits sharky on the other fin and then he flies off agen. Hiei get home and puts the food up and takes anouther nap.When hiei wakes up he see's all the food is gone agen asees yoko and then he passes out and yoko says good bye for now THE END
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 12.31.2003 | Pages: 4 | Words: 17.3K | Visits: 463 | Status: Completed