By: Mokenda 16 year old Maurine Kingston always had it pretty rough, her mother died when she was only 7 years old and her father, an archiologist, is always away on some expidition leaving her superstitious Grandfather to care for her and her two siblings. Her twin sister always gets all of the attention at school. Her older brother her best friend seem to be the only ones who don't give her a hard time. And then there's Sam, an ordinary cat... right? WRONG!! Sam was always getting into some kind of trouble. One day, Maurine's father brings home a strange artifact, and of couse, Sam just HAS to get ahold of it. But it turned out to be magical! Now, by day, Sam turns into a human and back into a cat at night. How will Maurine survive with her new classmate being her old cat!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 02.03.2005 | Pages: 6 | Words: 4.3K | Visits: 416 | Status: Completed