❯ no lovers like brothers
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: ren r k 
ok this is my frist fanfic so don't kill me!! most of the idea is mine but alot came from aimefox013. so thanks. oh and i don't own yugioh just this story.
seto aiba sat alone typing in his offence. only he and his little brother,mokuba, were left since it was late and all the maids had left for the day. he keeped typing when he heard a small knock at his door. "come in " he said not happy that someone should interupt him now of all times. the door opened and in the door way kaiba saw something that made his mouth drop. there stood mokuba. the love of his life in a maids uniform. a duster in one hand and his other on his hip. his hair was pulled back as well. mokuba gave seto a wicked grin and began to walk around dusting an moveing his hips. seto knew what was up and went with it . mokuba had read seto's dairy and had been fulfilling them. seto stood up and moved to were his brother was standing. he bent down and put his arms low around mokubas hips. seto began to kiss mokuba's neck as mokuba leaned into his lover he gasped and arched his bacc when he flet seto's hand go under his dress and began to rubb his harding member. seto then breathed on his ear and nibbled his bod makeing mokuba moan."seto" mokuba moaned and tuned to face his brother. seto had a smirk on his face. he then leaned towards his lover and capturing his lip's in a loveing kill. seto ran his tongue over mokuba's bottom lip. mokuba moaned into the kiss and opened his mouth giveing seto entrance and pressing his tongue to his brothers. neither gaining the uper hand. agter a moment they pulled apart for air. caveing move of each other. mokuba laied his head on his brother's shoulder/ "seto.. take me" he begged. seot didn['t hesitate but picked his lover up as mokuba wrapped his leg's around his lover's hips. seto stood and began to walk out of the room and down the hall to their room while trying not to fall thanks to mokuba rubbing thier erections together. when he got the their romm he closed the door and walked over to the bed and layed mokuba down. he then grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. he then moved he hand's to his pants unzipping and pulling them off along with his boxers. seot then leaned sown and unzipped mokuba's dress and pulled it over his head then pulling off his boxers as mokuba lay on the bed panting. seto straddled his lover and bent to kiss his neck. mokuba moaned and moved his head from side to side giveing in to setos gentle minnistratons. seto reached over to the bed side table and graped the lub. he then pop the topp and coated his finger's . he slid one into his brother's entrance. mokuba didn't flinch but pushed against his finger and urged him to hurry. seto just grined and pulled out his finger. he graed the lub and coated his own manhood. he then spread mokuba's legs and placed the tip on his manhood to his brothers tight, virgin opening. the then moved his hips forward embedding himself in his brother, giveing a cry as heat enveloped him. he waited gor mokuba to adjust to his penetration. mokuba cryed out his lovers name and wrapped his legs around his brothers hips. seto gripped mokubas hips to steady his movements. seot pulled out and thurst back in. as mokuba bryed for him to go faster seto sped up his pace greatly. mokuba felt hes brother pull out and them trust back in faster each time. seto reached down to where thisr badies where joined grasped his little brothers arohsal and began pumping it roughly, just barely in time with his thrusts. he moaned as he felt his loveers walls touched and stroke him closer to his climax. his panting became heaviar and mkuba crys became louder as they both neared thier cliffs. "seto... i'm .. going" mokuba moaned loudly but didn't finish befroe he came spattering both thier stomachs and seto's hand with his seed. seot tensed and after a few last thurst easily, happily filled his lover with his own seed. seto pulled out of his lover and lay beside him. mokuba rolled over to cuddle with is lover. 'so this what you had in mind" mokuba smiled up at his brother. seto kissed him lightly and said " nope this was 10x better" mokuba just smiled at the two drifted off to sleep. mokuba's last thought wa "one donw what fantasy should i fulfill next"
ok so how you like it agian cerdient to amimefox013 and if you have a story write me and i'll write it for you thanks
Anime/Manga: | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.25.2004 | Pages: 3 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 60 | Status: Completed

ok this is my frist fanfic so don't kill me!! most of the idea is mine but alot came from aimefox013. so thanks. oh and i don't own yugioh just this story.
seto aiba sat alone typing in his offence. only he and his little brother,mokuba, were left since it was late and all the maids had left for the day. he keeped typing when he heard a small knock at his door. "come in " he said not happy that someone should interupt him now of all times. the door opened and in the door way kaiba saw something that made his mouth drop. there stood mokuba. the love of his life in a maids uniform. a duster in one hand and his other on his hip. his hair was pulled back as well. mokuba gave seto a wicked grin and began to walk around dusting an moveing his hips. seto knew what was up and went with it . mokuba had read seto's dairy and had been fulfilling them. seto stood up and moved to were his brother was standing. he bent down and put his arms low around mokubas hips. seto began to kiss mokuba's neck as mokuba leaned into his lover he gasped and arched his bacc when he flet seto's hand go under his dress and began to rubb his harding member. seto then breathed on his ear and nibbled his bod makeing mokuba moan."seto" mokuba moaned and tuned to face his brother. seto had a smirk on his face. he then leaned towards his lover and capturing his lip's in a loveing kill. seto ran his tongue over mokuba's bottom lip. mokuba moaned into the kiss and opened his mouth giveing seto entrance and pressing his tongue to his brothers. neither gaining the uper hand. agter a moment they pulled apart for air. caveing move of each other. mokuba laied his head on his brother's shoulder/ "seto.. take me" he begged. seot didn['t hesitate but picked his lover up as mokuba wrapped his leg's around his lover's hips. seto stood and began to walk out of the room and down the hall to their room while trying not to fall thanks to mokuba rubbing thier erections together. when he got the their romm he closed the door and walked over to the bed and layed mokuba down. he then grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. he then moved he hand's to his pants unzipping and pulling them off along with his boxers. seot then leaned sown and unzipped mokuba's dress and pulled it over his head then pulling off his boxers as mokuba lay on the bed panting. seto straddled his lover and bent to kiss his neck. mokuba moaned and moved his head from side to side giveing in to setos gentle minnistratons. seto reached over to the bed side table and graped the lub. he then pop the topp and coated his finger's . he slid one into his brother's entrance. mokuba didn't flinch but pushed against his finger and urged him to hurry. seto just grined and pulled out his finger. he graed the lub and coated his own manhood. he then spread mokuba's legs and placed the tip on his manhood to his brothers tight, virgin opening. the then moved his hips forward embedding himself in his brother, giveing a cry as heat enveloped him. he waited gor mokuba to adjust to his penetration. mokuba cryed out his lovers name and wrapped his legs around his brothers hips. seto gripped mokubas hips to steady his movements. seot pulled out and thurst back in. as mokuba bryed for him to go faster seto sped up his pace greatly. mokuba felt hes brother pull out and them trust back in faster each time. seto reached down to where thisr badies where joined grasped his little brothers arohsal and began pumping it roughly, just barely in time with his thrusts. he moaned as he felt his loveers walls touched and stroke him closer to his climax. his panting became heaviar and mkuba crys became louder as they both neared thier cliffs. "seto... i'm .. going" mokuba moaned loudly but didn't finish befroe he came spattering both thier stomachs and seto's hand with his seed. seot tensed and after a few last thurst easily, happily filled his lover with his own seed. seto pulled out of his lover and lay beside him. mokuba rolled over to cuddle with is lover. 'so this what you had in mind" mokuba smiled up at his brother. seto kissed him lightly and said " nope this was 10x better" mokuba just smiled at the two drifted off to sleep. mokuba's last thought wa "one donw what fantasy should i fulfill next"
ok so how you like it agian cerdient to amimefox013 and if you have a story write me and i'll write it for you thanks
Anime/Manga: | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.25.2004 | Pages: 3 | Words: 1.7K | Visits: 60 | Status: Completed
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