By: Vegetas_Queen Mika is one of the only living Female Super Saiyans. She posseses an incredible power that no one knows about, not her, not even Goku! (Or does he?) Both Mika's parents were killed and for 14 years she lived alone. She attended to Martial Arts Tournament which is were she met Goku who took her under his wing and trained her, treated her as his own. Mika meets all of Goku's friends and soon starts to develop a crush on Trunks (This will be future Trunks because he looks much better with short hair.)
During the story she is 16 years old.
The story begins a few days before the Cell Games.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Fantasy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 04.02.2005 | Pages: 2 | Words: 1.0K | Visits: 462 | Status: Completed