Fan Fiction ❯ >.;.::Reborn:.:;
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: _Malaya_ 
Wat happens when a street fight goes to far? A girl is given a second chance. Ight here i go agin!
#1 HardKnock Life
Ok im baseing this Chacter on myself Actually this charater IS ME in a sorta not really kid of way...!! belive or not. well not the part w/ the Avatar but every thing elese (I mean she has the same danm name so??wat do u think)?? Her life is sorta mine and so on and so ight? Ok were im From all problems are sloved by fights Almost every one i knoe is "from the worng side of the tracks or Juvilnilles Delinquents" But its only cause thats wat other ppl think when there
lookin in to a life that they kno nothing about. Im excited about this fan-fic beacuse to me this is one way that i can do some thing Different that i feel good and dont have to worry about some things when im alone on my little computer typing things. The beinging of this is my noraml school day even the fights and all i just changes some ppls names execpt mine and Jessicas i changed my brother and step fathers names. Some words that are not in english are in my native languge
"Tagalog" Philipeno Dialect AND YEA 4 the last danm time it IS a READ Lanugae
"Ali tap-tap ang kai-ibiagnko iyak iyak ohoh (Music continues)"
"AY Mami turn off the Alaram..." Malaya the fourteen year old Philipena New yorker complained. She lived w/ her mother, Here Grandmother AKA-Lola ,lilttle brother
and Step Father,Aronld.*sighs*.5 second later......"No I DONT WANNa go to school today!! Danm it!" There gose my little 7 year old brother Alejandro is screaming from the living room She thought to herself . "Alejandro eat breakfast Naman! Ur going to get so skinny"Yup my Lola..
"Alejandro wat did i tell you about using those words? U wanna go to boot camp?"-Arnold. I hope he does....I kno wats coming next....*rolls over* "I wanna go to boot camp! hahaha"..yup...This is how I start my days on Tuesday....Ill try to get back to sleep..*Yawn hugs her pillow*
1minute later..."Malaya wake up!!"- yup my mother seems happy to day..She such a morning person..
"Yea Ma i kno..U use the bathroom first... Y r u such a moring person agin?" Mother walks into the bathroom..Yet my question falls on un-listing ears.Ah who cares..... Shes finshed thinking to her self.
"Malaya! Ano Ka ba? Get up. U wanna be late? huh? get up." Her Lola was yelling at her actually yelling is just how her loud Family "talks". Her Lola has been with her for her life and been there for her Malaya likes be helpful to her.
"Yea yea im awake ight.."
She reluctantly get out of bed, walks to the Bathroom...KNOCK KNOCK..."Yo any one in there? good."-she says, her house is considered "small but in the 'hood shes at thats normal" theres 5 people in her 2 bed room apt. She shares her room w/ her mom, her grand mother has her own room and the living got
turned into a thrid bedroom for her little Juvi. like but yet semi-sweet brother and step father stayed..
7:20 "Hey Ate look at this"Alejandro took a hair brush and hit the kitchen table w/ it !BAm! AHAHAHA" Alejandro with his big round eyes and hair drowned in gel did this, but istnt this o so obvious? She dressed in her noraml clothes size 1 foxy lady jeans her favorite jeans, every girl wore jeans like this (there really tight...)
And her Red t-shit that said Paco jeabs in the back and a chinse black Dragon in the front, it was one of her favorite shirts......Puts on a light sweater, cropped white hodie w/ Chinese Caligraphy a present frm her best guy friend Willam.
"Bye guys!" She said (no one herd tho.) Danm, here we go agin, she says under her breath her walk to school. Locks door behind her then start to walk, Maybe if you live in the subarbs her walk might seem like an adventure but actually its really Not..
1st half a block. As she walks she passes, Alex her friends Aunt who was in 10th grade, after she stops by the Deli theres 3 next to her but this one has has the best falafall, she eats her break fast in 1st pireod. Then shes at first cornner of the intersection, she waits for the green while the workers that wait for a job who also just sit in the that cornner check her out
and then talk bout it in esapnaol. "Que Linda Mamita"- a very "charming"(rolls eyes) remark that came from one if the workers. Used to this she knew wat to do..agin.."Beso mi Nalaga PUTO!!"She retored back to them. In english Kiss my ass bitch.. The light turns green.
Block2 This is the part of the side walk that is so fucked up its hardly even side walk any more. She continues to walk the Lake Markham Cemitary is right on the left next to the Grapphitti drapped Baptist chruch.This is were meny fights are held after school. She laughes as she sees Paco her best friends current boy obssion on the steps of that chruch smoking weed most likely."Tell Jess i said hi ight" High Paco slurrs
"Ight"she replaies. Continues to walk.
Finaly at school!
"Punch in!"Mrs. Joyce the schools head secruity gaurd says to her. Danm, she says to her slef late,,agin. O well im acting like i give a danm laughs to her self. Punches in.
Heads to first pierod.Social Studies room100...In class.... Ring!Bell rings at the end of class. "Dont forget to BLah Blah Blah...." Mrs. Baily.
Her and her 5 best friends start to walk aimlessly around the halls
"Crsyal? wat class do have next?" Malaya asks one of her best friends a Domincan girl also part time model.
"Um....I don kno."
"O ok."
"Jess, wat class do we have?" She then asks her Very Out going Mexican friend
"Im not going, but I think we have L.A. 2 pierods." She says matter o factly.
"U cuttin Pac? O yea..That reminds me he told me to say hight to you. I think hes still stoned tho hehe"
"O hahaha...ur mad funny..yea im cuttin wit pac. Tell mrs wheller im at the nurse or somthing"
"Ight i wil"- she assures her friend
In class, She sits right close to one of her frined Crsyal.
"U kno i think theres a new kid in 7-16." She tells her as she attemps to think of a poem about spring.
"Really? Boy or girl? If its a boy, is he cute?" Malaya asks as she is drawing small cherry blossoms all over her poem paper.
"Mala-ya! Boy They say hes some exchange student from Cannal Street I.S.84. Hes ok looking But hes not hispanic." She says was she crumples her 15 piece of paper up.
"U kno wat Malaya?"
"I think you could get lots of guys,but you have Asian eyes"She states the obvious.
"Sighs, Do u kno any thing that righms w/ flowers?"
"Heh.I should have known btw. 'No' dosent ryhm w/ flowers.."
Malaya gets hit over the head w/ a book.
Ringgg!! bell rings but alas the class is still stuck there cause there 2 pierods.
Malayas mind starts to wonder.....
"Hmmm..Avatar: the last air bender i hope i can go to Ate` Lessie's house on friday. I wanna watch it, plus she got a flat screen..Its not fair I want cable.....Hmm..o yea well at lest i have internet..I need to put up my second wall paper on my website. The one with Zuko and anng..... Thx god 4 screen caps!"
Starts to doodle in her note book a picture of Zuko and Katara then momo. After a cat then her teacher getting shot by Julius. Then she starts to think about her. Shaolin Kung-Fu compitation on Friday.."Well I have to do The Iron man..They always pick me for that..And then Goou-yet-Pia from DANM i for got the last 4 steps..I have to ask Willam agin..Hes good at these things...i mean he is a blue already he knows like 25 froms
al ready"...
Her and her freinds met up in the entrance of the Cafetaeria. They sit at ther usal spot.
Lunch is always fun. Boys in the next table are Beat banging it sounds mad hott they used the key this time, she thinks as she listens, hmmm..Brandle is rapping to it now. Wow sounds like a song u can dance to. Malaya loves to dance dirtty dancing salsa hip-hop and reggeton (a type of spanish dirty dancing). Her and her friends start to dance.....They stop.
"yo Please please Malaya buy me my water" her friend Jazziman begs as she points to a "Dessani" water vending machine.
"Only if some one goes w/ me cause im not ur bitch ?
"I kno that, Danny heres is my bitch"Pats Danny on the head.
"Ill go w/ you"Jessica says.
They go..while there waitng in line Jessica slaps This guys ass in front of Malaya.
The boys whips around.
"Excuse me??" he says very surprised....
"um...Uhh.."thinks of wat to say while she elbows Jessica Hard in the stomach"u have a..nice ass."
he looks so surprised... and backs up..
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH-HAHAHHAehehhehteheheteh"Jessica is Hsyterica.
Malaya-'this kid isnt from this school..hes acting so danm surprised.'she wisphered to Jessica who hears absoutly Nothing..Usaly boys frm her school would slap back or at least say some thing nasty back....
Suddnely a girl grabs Her by her hair.
"Thats my boy friend!" A high pitched blonde Japiniese looking girl girl yells in a VERY VERY annoying voice.
"Wat the fuck is your problem!!" Jessica starts to defind me pushes her off of Malaya. "Danm u acting lky you knoo her! dont touch her if you mess w/ her you mess wit all her Clique And were crazy ass bitches and well get it poppin Righ now! "Jessica was invading the blonde girls personal space and is ready to fight.
Malaya and her friends have always been there for each other, in all there prevoius fights They always jumped in unless it was a one-one grugde fight wich well, never happened.
All malayas friends came over.They already knew wat was happening.
The blonde Japinese girl spoke out.
"Well hes My man!! And i will fight you and your clique 6 pierod!"The mini skirt wearing wanna-Be turned on her heal and walked out of the cirlcle Alone.
"Jazzimen!!" Crslay was holding her back
"Hold me back or i think ill kill that Rabbit bitch!! rrrrr.." Jazzimen.
"Jazzimine dont worry ill see her and you come then we can both kill'the rabitt ass bitch' ok?" Malaya says as she tries to Calm her friend down.
"Ight but that girl is DEAD"she yells in the girl's dierection.
Malayas friends told every one to come to the fight a at Lake Markham Cemitary.25 other ppl were cutting 6 pierod to watch.Ppl gave her props lky rings and shit to "punch that girl out". You see no one defends a person who is new and discieds to pick s fight on the first day of school. Cause every knos that just plain Dumb unless of course your 6'9" and a heavy wieght Champion...Lyk Mike Tyson for example....
5 pierod Science class:
Class is being very bad....
"U bitch mother fuckin ass hole!!"- This "Well clutuered" response came from Chenal when Carlos had hit her in the shin w/ a mirror. that came from Jaci.
"Did u hear that Mrs.G. she just called me a bitch mother fucking ass hole!!" Carlos yelled at the teacher
Mrs. G. looks at him In a scarcastic way.
"O oops i mean she called me a-a Blank-ity Blank Blank!!"
6 pierod L.M.cemitary:
"Malaya u hyeped right?"Jess asked
"YEA-YEA !!" she hollared at the top of her lungs then began to get ready to fight by punching the air and practicing her Tacktics.
"Thats right put her on her head!!! Thisll be a Rap!! SCrrrrrrrr!!eee!!" Jazzimine was almost as hpyed as her friend.
"But dosnt creep you out thats its in a Grave Yard??"The Nervous Crasyal asked and..Looks around un-comfrotably."Where is that really short midget thing AN-Y way?!?!?"...
Malaya(the wirter)- Hi guys!! Wat-up!
Malaya (the other one)- Hi i cant belive you got me in trouble..
Malaya (the wirter)-No your friend Jessica got you in trouble..hehehe
Jessica-Dont get me into this....
Malaya(the other one)-Ur tellin Me that?!
Jessica- Its not my fault that Malaya the writer. Made me slap his ass!
Malaya (the other one)-*looks at her*Well?
Malaya(the writer)- No it was requested......
______________________________________________________Guys thax u so Muc for your suppport it made me right another one!!! Ok pls tell mi wat U tink!!!
No raves!(+_+) Plzz!!!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): / Martial Arts / Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 04.29.2005 | Pages: 16 | Words: 31.2K | Visits: 778 | Status: Completed

Wat happens when a street fight goes to far? A girl is given a second chance. Ight here i go agin!
#1 HardKnock Life
Ok im baseing this Chacter on myself Actually this charater IS ME in a sorta not really kid of way...!! belive or not. well not the part w/ the Avatar but every thing elese (I mean she has the same danm name so??wat do u think)?? Her life is sorta mine and so on and so ight? Ok were im From all problems are sloved by fights Almost every one i knoe is "from the worng side of the tracks or Juvilnilles Delinquents" But its only cause thats wat other ppl think when there
lookin in to a life that they kno nothing about. Im excited about this fan-fic beacuse to me this is one way that i can do some thing Different that i feel good and dont have to worry about some things when im alone on my little computer typing things. The beinging of this is my noraml school day even the fights and all i just changes some ppls names execpt mine and Jessicas i changed my brother and step fathers names. Some words that are not in english are in my native languge
"Tagalog" Philipeno Dialect AND YEA 4 the last danm time it IS a READ Lanugae
"Ali tap-tap ang kai-ibiagnko iyak iyak ohoh (Music continues)"
"AY Mami turn off the Alaram..." Malaya the fourteen year old Philipena New yorker complained. She lived w/ her mother, Here Grandmother AKA-Lola ,lilttle brother
and Step Father,Aronld.*sighs*.5 second later......"No I DONT WANNa go to school today!! Danm it!" There gose my little 7 year old brother Alejandro is screaming from the living room She thought to herself . "Alejandro eat breakfast Naman! Ur going to get so skinny"Yup my Lola..
"Alejandro wat did i tell you about using those words? U wanna go to boot camp?"-Arnold. I hope he does....I kno wats coming next....*rolls over* "I wanna go to boot camp! hahaha"..yup...This is how I start my days on Tuesday....Ill try to get back to sleep..*Yawn hugs her pillow*
1minute later..."Malaya wake up!!"- yup my mother seems happy to day..She such a morning person..
"Yea Ma i kno..U use the bathroom first... Y r u such a moring person agin?" Mother walks into the bathroom..Yet my question falls on un-listing ears.Ah who cares..... Shes finshed thinking to her self.
"Malaya! Ano Ka ba? Get up. U wanna be late? huh? get up." Her Lola was yelling at her actually yelling is just how her loud Family "talks". Her Lola has been with her for her life and been there for her Malaya likes be helpful to her.
"Yea yea im awake ight.."
She reluctantly get out of bed, walks to the Bathroom...KNOCK KNOCK..."Yo any one in there? good."-she says, her house is considered "small but in the 'hood shes at thats normal" theres 5 people in her 2 bed room apt. She shares her room w/ her mom, her grand mother has her own room and the living got
turned into a thrid bedroom for her little Juvi. like but yet semi-sweet brother and step father stayed..
7:20 "Hey Ate look at this"Alejandro took a hair brush and hit the kitchen table w/ it !BAm! AHAHAHA" Alejandro with his big round eyes and hair drowned in gel did this, but istnt this o so obvious? She dressed in her noraml clothes size 1 foxy lady jeans her favorite jeans, every girl wore jeans like this (there really tight...)
And her Red t-shit that said Paco jeabs in the back and a chinse black Dragon in the front, it was one of her favorite shirts......Puts on a light sweater, cropped white hodie w/ Chinese Caligraphy a present frm her best guy friend Willam.
"Bye guys!" She said (no one herd tho.) Danm, here we go agin, she says under her breath her walk to school. Locks door behind her then start to walk, Maybe if you live in the subarbs her walk might seem like an adventure but actually its really Not..
1st half a block. As she walks she passes, Alex her friends Aunt who was in 10th grade, after she stops by the Deli theres 3 next to her but this one has has the best falafall, she eats her break fast in 1st pireod. Then shes at first cornner of the intersection, she waits for the green while the workers that wait for a job who also just sit in the that cornner check her out
and then talk bout it in esapnaol. "Que Linda Mamita"- a very "charming"(rolls eyes) remark that came from one if the workers. Used to this she knew wat to do..agin.."Beso mi Nalaga PUTO!!"She retored back to them. In english Kiss my ass bitch.. The light turns green.
Block2 This is the part of the side walk that is so fucked up its hardly even side walk any more. She continues to walk the Lake Markham Cemitary is right on the left next to the Grapphitti drapped Baptist chruch.This is were meny fights are held after school. She laughes as she sees Paco her best friends current boy obssion on the steps of that chruch smoking weed most likely."Tell Jess i said hi ight" High Paco slurrs
"Ight"she replaies. Continues to walk.
Finaly at school!
"Punch in!"Mrs. Joyce the schools head secruity gaurd says to her. Danm, she says to her slef late,,agin. O well im acting like i give a danm laughs to her self. Punches in.
Heads to first pierod.Social Studies room100...In class.... Ring!Bell rings at the end of class. "Dont forget to BLah Blah Blah...." Mrs. Baily.
Her and her 5 best friends start to walk aimlessly around the halls
"Crsyal? wat class do have next?" Malaya asks one of her best friends a Domincan girl also part time model.
"Um....I don kno."
"O ok."
"Jess, wat class do we have?" She then asks her Very Out going Mexican friend
"Im not going, but I think we have L.A. 2 pierods." She says matter o factly.
"U cuttin Pac? O yea..That reminds me he told me to say hight to you. I think hes still stoned tho hehe"
"O hahaha...ur mad funny..yea im cuttin wit pac. Tell mrs wheller im at the nurse or somthing"
"Ight i wil"- she assures her friend
In class, She sits right close to one of her frined Crsyal.
"U kno i think theres a new kid in 7-16." She tells her as she attemps to think of a poem about spring.
"Really? Boy or girl? If its a boy, is he cute?" Malaya asks as she is drawing small cherry blossoms all over her poem paper.
"Mala-ya! Boy They say hes some exchange student from Cannal Street I.S.84. Hes ok looking But hes not hispanic." She says was she crumples her 15 piece of paper up.
"U kno wat Malaya?"
"I think you could get lots of guys,but you have Asian eyes"She states the obvious.
"Sighs, Do u kno any thing that righms w/ flowers?"
"Heh.I should have known btw. 'No' dosent ryhm w/ flowers.."
Malaya gets hit over the head w/ a book.
Ringgg!! bell rings but alas the class is still stuck there cause there 2 pierods.
Malayas mind starts to wonder.....
"Hmmm..Avatar: the last air bender i hope i can go to Ate` Lessie's house on friday. I wanna watch it, plus she got a flat screen..Its not fair I want cable.....Hmm..o yea well at lest i have internet..I need to put up my second wall paper on my website. The one with Zuko and anng..... Thx god 4 screen caps!"
Starts to doodle in her note book a picture of Zuko and Katara then momo. After a cat then her teacher getting shot by Julius. Then she starts to think about her. Shaolin Kung-Fu compitation on Friday.."Well I have to do The Iron man..They always pick me for that..And then Goou-yet-Pia from DANM i for got the last 4 steps..I have to ask Willam agin..Hes good at these things...i mean he is a blue already he knows like 25 froms
al ready"...
Her and her freinds met up in the entrance of the Cafetaeria. They sit at ther usal spot.
Lunch is always fun. Boys in the next table are Beat banging it sounds mad hott they used the key this time, she thinks as she listens, hmmm..Brandle is rapping to it now. Wow sounds like a song u can dance to. Malaya loves to dance dirtty dancing salsa hip-hop and reggeton (a type of spanish dirty dancing). Her and her friends start to dance.....They stop.
"yo Please please Malaya buy me my water" her friend Jazziman begs as she points to a "Dessani" water vending machine.
"Only if some one goes w/ me cause im not ur bitch ?
"I kno that, Danny heres is my bitch"Pats Danny on the head.
"Ill go w/ you"Jessica says.
They go..while there waitng in line Jessica slaps This guys ass in front of Malaya.
The boys whips around.
"Excuse me??" he says very surprised....
"um...Uhh.."thinks of wat to say while she elbows Jessica Hard in the stomach"u have a..nice ass."
he looks so surprised... and backs up..
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH-HAHAHHAehehhehteheheteh"Jessica is Hsyterica.
Malaya-'this kid isnt from this school..hes acting so danm surprised.'she wisphered to Jessica who hears absoutly Nothing..Usaly boys frm her school would slap back or at least say some thing nasty back....
Suddnely a girl grabs Her by her hair.
"Thats my boy friend!" A high pitched blonde Japiniese looking girl girl yells in a VERY VERY annoying voice.
"Wat the fuck is your problem!!" Jessica starts to defind me pushes her off of Malaya. "Danm u acting lky you knoo her! dont touch her if you mess w/ her you mess wit all her Clique And were crazy ass bitches and well get it poppin Righ now! "Jessica was invading the blonde girls personal space and is ready to fight.
Malaya and her friends have always been there for each other, in all there prevoius fights They always jumped in unless it was a one-one grugde fight wich well, never happened.
All malayas friends came over.They already knew wat was happening.
The blonde Japinese girl spoke out.
"Well hes My man!! And i will fight you and your clique 6 pierod!"The mini skirt wearing wanna-Be turned on her heal and walked out of the cirlcle Alone.
"Jazzimen!!" Crslay was holding her back
"Hold me back or i think ill kill that Rabbit bitch!! rrrrr.." Jazzimen.
"Jazzimine dont worry ill see her and you come then we can both kill'the rabitt ass bitch' ok?" Malaya says as she tries to Calm her friend down.
"Ight but that girl is DEAD"she yells in the girl's dierection.
Malayas friends told every one to come to the fight a at Lake Markham Cemitary.25 other ppl were cutting 6 pierod to watch.Ppl gave her props lky rings and shit to "punch that girl out". You see no one defends a person who is new and discieds to pick s fight on the first day of school. Cause every knos that just plain Dumb unless of course your 6'9" and a heavy wieght Champion...Lyk Mike Tyson for example....
5 pierod Science class:
Class is being very bad....
"U bitch mother fuckin ass hole!!"- This "Well clutuered" response came from Chenal when Carlos had hit her in the shin w/ a mirror. that came from Jaci.
"Did u hear that Mrs.G. she just called me a bitch mother fucking ass hole!!" Carlos yelled at the teacher
Mrs. G. looks at him In a scarcastic way.
"O oops i mean she called me a-a Blank-ity Blank Blank!!"
6 pierod L.M.cemitary:
"Malaya u hyeped right?"Jess asked
"YEA-YEA !!" she hollared at the top of her lungs then began to get ready to fight by punching the air and practicing her Tacktics.
"Thats right put her on her head!!! Thisll be a Rap!! SCrrrrrrrr!!eee!!" Jazzimine was almost as hpyed as her friend.
"But dosnt creep you out thats its in a Grave Yard??"The Nervous Crasyal asked and..Looks around un-comfrotably."Where is that really short midget thing AN-Y way?!?!?"...
Malaya(the wirter)- Hi guys!! Wat-up!
Malaya (the other one)- Hi i cant belive you got me in trouble..
Malaya (the wirter)-No your friend Jessica got you in trouble..hehehe
Jessica-Dont get me into this....
Malaya(the other one)-Ur tellin Me that?!
Jessica- Its not my fault that Malaya the writer. Made me slap his ass!
Malaya (the other one)-*looks at her*Well?
Malaya(the writer)- No it was requested......
______________________________________________________Guys thax u so Muc for your suppport it made me right another one!!! Ok pls tell mi wat U tink!!!
No raves!(+_+) Plzz!!!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): / Martial Arts / Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 04.29.2005 | Pages: 16 | Words: 31.2K | Visits: 778 | Status: Completed
Fan Fiction Index
Hard Knock Life ( Chapter 1 )
The snake and the Dragon ( Chapter 2 )
Reborn ( Chapter 3 )
A new lyf ( Chapter 4 )
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