Gohan's Cousin, Harry's Other Cousin - Gohan's Cousin, Harry's Other Cousin, Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction | MediaMiner
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or DBZ; they belong to their owners. However I do own anything, anyplace, anything, spell, and anyone I create.
I really enjoyed how you blended Dragon Ball Z and Harry Potter. Gohan gets a letter from Hogwarts, Chi-Chi takes in Harry, and they get ready for school together. It's a fun idea, but simplifying the storytelling and shortening it would improve the flow.
I love this can't wait for more
I really enjoyed how you blended Dragon Ball Z and Harry Potter. Gohan gets a letter from Hogwarts, Chi-Chi takes in Harry, and they get ready for school together. It's a fun idea, but simplifying the storytelling and shortening it would improve the flow.