Puppies and Owls! - You try it, Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction | MediaMiner


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I just found this story last night and I love it! Okay I know you haven’t updated in a decade plus so I don’t know if you’re still alive, but if you are here are my thoughts!

    1 - chapter 9 creeps me out!!

    2 - this was hysterical!

    3 - this should totally be a funny spin off story in the back of one of the manga!

    4 - POOR TATSUMI!!!! Why you so mean to my favorite character?!!

    5 - Puppy Tsuzuki running around and freaking out the whole time is hysterical!

    6 - somehow Muraki is very much “in character” in the middle of this ridiculous-ness!! How did you manage that? Good job.

    7 - chapter 9 still creeps me out.

    8 - what’s with the amethyst ribbons? What do they do?! I need to know. Tell me tell me TELL ME!

    9 - I know it’s been awhile but you need to finish this story like NOW RIGHT NOW! :)

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