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User Name:Tamashi-no-Hikari
Name/Nick:Robin White
Last Visited On:Dec. 06th, 2004, 12:56:26, PST
Registered On:August 08, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:bijouxdelalune
AIM Handle:bijouxdelalune
Biography:November 16, 2004

Red Snow: When Sesshoumaru abondons Rin at a village two years after they met, Rin grows up to be a great lady and a powerful miko. And after a battle with a ryu youkai, Rin is ready to return to her lord.

Short Stories With Tragic Endings: [One-Shot, Song Fic] Rin has been at the castle for 5 straight years. Thinking Sesshoumaru hates her, she makes her choice. But things aren't always what they seem.

Once upon a Time in a Fuedal Fairy Tale: Rin Tsuyu is Kagome's cousin. When they both get thrown into the Bone-Eater's Well and meet the Inu brothers, will they survive? Sess/Rin, some Kag/Inu

Chapter Three:Dogs:Kagome and Rin come across a boy frozen to a tree. And who is this pale demon?

To Come:

Dog's Rain: Wolf's Rain, Inu Style! Starring Rin as Cheza and Sesshoumaru as Kiba!

NOTE: The the roles are as following:

Sesshoumaru as Kiba
Kouga as Tsume
Inuyasha as Hige
Shippo as Toboe
Kagome as Blue
Sango as Cher Degre
Rin as Cheza
Kikyo as Harmona
Miroku as Hubb Lebowski
Grandpa Higurashi as Quent Yaiden (Will be referred to as "Quent" 'cause he doesn't have a name)
Naraku as Darcia
Kagura as Jagara
Musou as Oakum

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