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User Name:bsdisaster
Name/Nick:Nils Klement
Last Visited On:Sep. 26th, 2004, 04:06:27, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:"Mein Opfer hätte die Welt nicht verändert,
denn an Toten mangelt es ihr nicht."
(Max Frisch; "Die Chinesische Mauer" ["The chinese wall"])

Reading File -----

File ID 565498 ---

Beginning of file ---
Name: (like I'm gonna tell you)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Citizenship: German
usually Goettingen (central Germany) but untill 1/10/05: Machida (Tokyo-to, Japan)
fav. Anime/Manga:
(everything that is dark or freaky enough, or matches one of my personalities)
casual appearance
brown eyes/hair (slightly red)
Things I like:
I don't like anything.
Things I hate:
(look at the entry above and you've got the answer)

Special Notes:
--- Classified ---
Mood and personality changes uncontrolled and at an alarming rate.
A wide spectrum of personalities might be encountered (for example: rage, depression, resignation, annoyance, happyness, peace, boredom).
Hints of Schizophrenia.

------ End of file 565498

Personal Comments--------

"What is heaven? Heaven is what is inside your head. The mental image of the world, as what you see it. Your vision is blurry from drugs, love, people, joy over things that seem nice to you, if you don't think further and the strangling grip of society. Don't people say that you see the finest things before you die? Heaven is on earth. It's all around you, but it's just a picture with a nice frame.
Heaven is emotion.

What is hell? Hell is what is inside your head. It's guilt, irony, resignation and the little voice of reason that kills every touching emotion. For emotions are pointless. People only need them, if they fail to control their behavior or to read their own minds.
Hell is on earth. It's the world created by human beings and their struggle with emotions. Hell is what you see, when you clear your vision of anything to block your view.
Hell is the truth.

On our way through life we face countless points of choice. Crossroads of the chaotic road we walked so far.
When we loose, what truly can be told "mental innocence", it's already too late for a choice.
In fact, there never is a choice at all. We either see heaven or hell.
Often the state of heaven in our mind is too fragile too sustain in our modern, international and advanced world. We learn to see hell, but since humans are capable of emotions, we can leave the road of hell, through fate (or as I would simply say "coincidence").

This all is "modern society".
We just have the one choice to live or not. It looks like most people live in heaven, they just don't know it. Which is good for them in this matter.
I can just say that I will go on to stride along the path of hell.

But no matter what way we continue to walk. The road will lead us further on.

Towards an endless tomorrow."
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