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User Name:kettricken
Last Visited On:Aug. 12th, 2005, 17:54:18, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:kettricken6
Biography:So, what to say about myself, to anyone who cares to know from MediaMiner? Well, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that anyone reading this is doing so because they clicked on a link from a review I left, because I don't have anything of my own posted. =( I'm sorry to say it but yeah, I'm kind of a lurker. I enjoy reading fanfiction very much, especially based on Inuyasha, Trigun, and Yu Yu Hakusho, but I tend to have trouble finding well-written fics that don't drive me batshit crazy with spelling/grammar/general English usage errors! (I'm a perfectly awful editing junkie in daily life as well, if you're curious.) I read a lot of actual books in addition to fanfic--fantasy mostly, some sci-fi, some mystery-type things. My favorite authors include Robin Hobb and Orson Scott Card (check them out if you ever need something *ahem* real to read). I've written a lot of random little bits of fiction, mostly IY fanfic, but never anything complete enough to post. Maybe someday.

I'm totally up for talking to people, but I wouldn't bother with email--I've had to raise my junkmail filter too high to let anyone's emails through whose address I don't already have--so stick with AIM instead. =) See ya around...

Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat: coeli scrutantur plagas.
--Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Divitatione (II, 13)