My head is always swimming in thoughts, and most of the time, I think of fanfiction, albeit post-manga, story alternatives, or original concepts. My original language isn't English, but I'm damn good with my vocabulary!
My head is swimming with ideas, so it's safe to say I'll rarely get a writer's block. I might still be a little lazy at times, though. :)
I always try to get my character's personality done right so as to not make it look like some kind of dream. Anylizing is something I'm good at, and hopefully the same goes for my fanfics.
I also go by the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure" whenever I don't have my own ideas. It means that I take potentially successful storylines from suckass fanfics (I hope none of my victims are offended; I'm doin' ya a favor by making your stories be seen again), twist it so much that it'll barely become recognizable from the original, and post it as new stories. Depending on the timing of my posting, the converted stories should get better feedback from others.
This is my first time as a writer, so if you look my bio up, then please remember this:
p.s.- Read and review, pls., comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome.