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User Name:CrypticShadowWriter
Name/Nick:Alyssa R. R.
Last Visited On:Dec. 28th, 2007, 11:25:55, PST
Registered On:February 02, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Yo...um...let's see...I'm from Boring Buffalo, New York...Naruto is my favorite anime and my 3 favorite mangas are 'Fruits Basket', 'Angel Sanctuary', and 'Othello'. Let's see...writing and drawing are my best practical hobbies. Daydreaming is my other hobby. And uh...the 4th episode of Hellsing is the best 'cus of all the conflict and the 'oh why can't you just say it'ness. And...uh...check out my stuff at www.fanfiction.net 'cause most of my stories and stuff are there. My fave Naruto characters are, for the guys: Itachi, Kakashi, Naruto, Gaara, Orochimaru, Genma, and Kabuto. The girls: Sakura, Temari, and Ino. I like any of the guys with Sakura because she kicks ass. Sasuke's an ass, though, but Naruto rocks. The kyuubi kicks ass too!!

Hiya there. Uh, yeah, so here's my profile. Nothing special (to me, anyway!) but you'll find...whatever...about me...I guess...it's what people usually put in profiles, right?

Name: Uh, yeah...Just look under nicknames since I've got so many of them and I usually answer to them all. -Sheepish Grin-

Nickname: -Drum Roll!- Alright now! -Deep Breath- Lys, Lyssa, Lyssy, Vampy (don't ask), Penguino (don't ask for this one either), Tootie, Cotton Candy, Martha Stewart Junior (is that how you spell her name? I really don't like her that much), Super Mom's Daughter, Shrimp, Li-Li, Assyla (Shouldn't take a genius to figure that one out!), Prodigy

Age: Uh...you definitely would NOT believe me if I told you...

Gender: Don't the nicknames give it away?

Colors: Red, black, silver, and lavender (not purples, lavender!)

Things I Hate: Stupid people (like some peers and teachers I know), people who never shut-up, 24/7 animated people (they always have so much energy! Tell me where I can get some, please!), lima beans, BRUSSEL SPROUTS!, sexist people, serious hypocrites (we're ALL hypocrites but I'm talking about the people who tell others not to be racist or mean and then five minutes later end up being horribly racist or whatever. Those guys!), bad grades, being scolded for my occasional immaturity (parents think I'll end up like my older brother. People say Naruto's a deadbeat? You've obviously never met my brother!)

Things I Like: Writing, drawing, anime, books, computers, school (only because I go to a performing arts school where I major in TV/Film and spend around an hour and ten minutes working in our school's studio), hats, FERRETS AND PENGUINS!, friends, rugby, Japanese culture, RAMEN!, uh...funny stupid people, compliments! Music is really good, too! Where do you think I get my inspiration from? -Little elf pops up and starts waving- Ah! You're supposed to still be in the closet! Oh, and my two black Persian cats. They're soooooo FLUFFY! I'm serious! One's like a giant furball and the other has his tongue out 24/7!

My Favorite Anime:




Full Metal Alchemist

Inu Yasha

One Piece


My Favorite Manga:

Fruits Basket

Demon Diary

Immortal Rain

Angel Sanctuary

Pairings I Like From:


Alucard/Young Walter


Full Metal Alchemist:

Inu Yasha:

One Piece:


Fruits Basket:

Demon Diary:

Immortal Rain:

Angel Sanctuary:

I've only authored one story so far so here's the info on it!

Dirty Little Secret
It started out as a deal he made with her, a deal he knew she’d never say no to when Sasuke’s life belonged to him. It was the perfect secret. No one knew. Not even Sasuke. Sakura never would’ve thought it’d end up like this.

I'm really just centering around Naruto right now since I've been hit with a million different ideas. You can thank Panic! At the Disco for that and anyone who doesn't like them but likes my stories, well, hopefully you won't stop reading simply because I was inspired by a band you don't like...But, yeah, I'm going to post summaries and pairings for you guys so you know what to look forward to. Uh, well, hopefully. And the titles may change!


Sand Man, Bring Me a Dream
Haruno Sakura kept a close friendship with Gaara after his departure from the Chuunin Exams. While he became Kazekage, she had the reputation of being an incredible medic with skills rivaling the Hokage, Tsunade's. However, those close to her would tell anyone she wasn't nearly as physically strong as she was with healing and medicine. The problem? That's exactly what the Akatsuki want. Why not capture two for the price of one?
Very Minor Sakura/Itachi

Love at First Glance
At the Chuunin exams, Sakura discovers "true love" can shatter upon a showing of confidence and experience. It simply takes a charming smile and a promising glance from behind shimmering glasses and gray bangs to send the heat rising.

Affections of the Blossom
After so many years, she finally returns to her hometown to face what she left behind; bad memories and her only friend. With a reputation as a bad-ass and two territorial gangs with their leaders breathing down her neck, the phrase "my life is a living hell" could never be more true. Not to mention a field trip to a film camp that'll leave everyone with some surprising footage...
Main Sakura/Gaara
Others Sakura/Orochimaru
Kisame/Ten Ten

The Fourth Sannin
At birth Tsunade witnessed the sheer power this child held. Orochimaru spotted her potential, her strength. Upon her birth, she was guaranteed to be taught by the three legendary sannin, soon to be the four when they were through with her. Now, ready for the chuunin exams, Haruno Sakura has to leave her solitude and join up with Kabuto and Haku while not only fighting opposing shinobi but her sudden uprising hormones.

As Is the Life of a Kunoichi
The secrets we keep represent our weaknesses. The past should stay hidden. 8 years after her disappearance brings her back to Konoha, returns Sasuke his childhood friend, and begins part 2 of her life as a wanted runaway with a past she'd kill to forget.

Your Mistakes Mold Your Future
Sequel to As Is the Life of a Kunoichi
Heh, well now, you at least know there's a sequel! Hopefully I'll have the outline finished for this one, but giving you the summary would totally ruin the ending before I even got started! Yeah, so...onto the next one!

Fruits Basket:

Silence is Louder Than Words
An exchange student from America goes to school with Tohru and the rest of the gang. However, not only does she stay with Tohru and Shigure, someone from school recognizes her as a newly risen novelist with a promising future. She and Shigure are off to a good start but the longer she stays, the harder it is to keep her distance from the lethal man in charge of the Sohma family, the only one who can strike fear into her.

Yeah, there are more but I'm still working out the kinks in the ideas. Until later!
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