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User Name:marysue_dreck
Name/Nick:Mary Sue Dreck
Last Visited On:Jul. 10th, 2005, 13:50:03, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:none
AIM Handle:none
Biography:I am a manga/anime fanfic addict. I started writing fanfiction myself because (1.) tons of fanfics are really bad. And (2.)As soon as you get hooked on a good one the author/authoress gets sucked into the black hole of writer's block and never, EVER finishes the damn story! So as a redress to bad spelling/grammer and unfinished stories I am *ahem* borrowing (o.k. blatantly ripping off) other people's unfinished fanfics and finishing them. I can't help it. I'm anal.
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