User Name: | Gamashinoch |
Name/Nick: | Sakura Kuroyo |
Last Visited On: | Apr. 15th, 2005, 12:22:33, PDT |
Registered On: | April 04, 2005 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | |
AIM Handle: | Sakura Kuroyo |
Biography: | Koinnichi wa~
Well, my name is Gamashinoch, which means "Song of Death", do not ask what language. Because personally, I cannot even remember. ~_~ But, I would much prefer if you call me Sakura. Yep, that's my name, Sakura Kuroyo. I'm 16 years old, am a High School Sophomore, really hate the way society has turned out, and I have an over-active imagination. And I can really think of nothing to add to it...
I generally wrote dedication fan fictions, though not to long ago I deleted everything that I had up here and started anew... Do not know why. So I really only have one Fanfiction up at the moment. Shame shame on me. ~_~ But if you want a Fanfiction written, drop me a word and I will get right on it. (Excuse me though if I tend to... Procrastinate on the part of putting out chapters.)
"Tsubasa no Datenshi"
Raiting- M
Warnings- Violence, rape, abuse, langauge, etc
Updated- 10:00 pm April 14, 2005
Current Chapter- Third Chapter
Next Chapter- April 25, 1005
Completion- 3/Undetermined
Release date- April 15, 2005
Anime- Spirited Away
Warning- Violence, rape, torture, abuse, language, etc
Rating- M
"Dark Treasure"
Release date: Undetermined
Book- Harry Potter
Warning- Yaoi, violance, rape, torture, abuse, mild langauge
Rating- M |