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User Name:Mykan
Name/Nick:Michael Mikulak
Last Visited On:Oct. 28th, 2021, 22:10:06, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Id Name: Mykan

Age: 25

you can call me Mykan, It's great to be here.
I like to watch TV and play video games for most of the day, unless it's beautiful out doors.

TV, is actually where I get all my inspiration from, which is what I need to help me write amy stories.

The sad truth is, I don't have really any friends to call my own, no matter how hard I tried I just could never fit in.

So rather than just try to help the sitation, I just gave it all up.

But that's okay, Being all alone also inspires me to write.

I've used melodies from old songs I've heard, then I rewrite the lyrics so they suit my needs better. (I'll show you in some of my stories)

As for stories...

I used to watch Digimon 02, but I'm glad it's gone now, I really didn't like the Epilouge.

I do not care at all for Takari's.
I am a Dakari fan, who feels that Davis deserves Kari More than TK, so I'll help Support Dakari.

As for Davis and Kari, In all my years of Anime fandom, I have never seen a more Perfect couple. I really hope that those two will get together one day.

I've supported Dakari so much for so long, that some Dakari's see me as a Leader.

So, I've taken up a role as, King of Dakari. I know I'm not really the King, but it's fun to dream. I promise I won't brag or boast of my pretend title

Aside from all that, you can acpect to see that alot of my stories have put the characters Out of Character if you will.

But that's really okay too...
Because, it doesn't hurt to think what it would be like if your favourite character had a different personality.

Besides, This is Fanfiction, you can write about anything you like, how ever you like.


July 03 2005 (updated Oct 7th)

I seem to find myself using a special song in alot of my stories.

A song from the movie, Team america, world Police. A song that really inspires me, not to mention, descibes my feelings well.

For you see...I don't really have any real friends, and am quite used to it, but still, it doesnt hurt to feel... a bit sad.

I'm so Lonely, So Lonely,
So lonely and sadly alone
There's No one, just me only
Sitting on my little throne.

I work really hard, and make up great plans,
But nobody listenes, No one understands.
Seems like No one takes me seriously.

And so…
I'm Lonely,
Really lonely.
Poor little me!

There's Nobody, I can relate to.
Feel like a bird in a cage,
It's kind of silly, but not really
Because, it's filling my body with rage.

I'm the smartest, most clever, most physically fit,
But nobody else seems to realize it.
When I change the world, maybe they'll notice me.

And until then,
I'll just be lonely,
Really lonely.
Poor little me.
* * *

Oh well, I guess it isn't so bad.

* * *

I'm so…LONE-LY…!


Oct 7th 2005

It seems that Non-anime doesn't really seem to interest the veiwers here.

Still... may as well jus let it ride.


Nov 15th 2005

I think I'm ready to post up some fan art, it's just that, I'm really not sure I should post up my drawings.

They are very creative works, and I've read all the rules of what to post.

What's bothering me is... I really cannot tell if my drawings violate any of the rules.

And I know the penalty... My account could be banned... I don't want that to happen over a misunderstanding.

So, what I would like is, when/if I post up a picture, I want you to email me and teel me if it does violate the rules that much.

This way, I know not to keep it posted, and I can take it down at once, before any confusion is caused.


Nov 20th 2005

Well... so far my fan-art doesn't seem to be voilating any rules... (Thank you Mediaminner)

You have not only alowed me to share my writng talents, but my art talents too... Thank you!

Nov 23th 2005

I Mykan... King of Dakari... have started an email relation with Full-fleged Dakari's over Hotmail.

If you are you a Dakari having trouble writing your fics, or you wish to speak with those who think like you.

We are here to help you, already there are theree are three members. Inculuding myself.

If you wish to join... contact me, and I will help you with your Dakari troubles.

(TAKARI-DAKARI's and those who support other Kari-clans are not permitted only Full-fledged-DAKARI'S)

Nov 27th 2005

I really want to write a story about MewMew-Power, but unfortunately, the anime categoy-selection doesn't have it.

I don't know why, but I send several requestes to have it uploaded, but it's never been answered.

What'll I do?

I don't want to waste time writing a story only to have that I can't post it up.

But I don't keep bothering the Mediaminer administratior by sending in more requests.

I guess I'll just have to wait on it.


Dec 21 2005

Gee... it certainly feels so good to have your work aprieciated.

Your thankful thoughts all give me a warm and comforting message...I AM NOT ALONE

(Not even as the Dakari-King)

-The happiness of being me
Is not, what it's cracked up to be
It's lonely, being one of a kind.

-With all the know varieties
The fame that Nature's given to me
It's lonely being one of a kind

-I'd, I could be
Like everyone I see
Not special, Just an ordinary guy.
A guy, who is loved
By many of those in life
At least, I'd like to have a chance to try

-The happiness of being me
Is not, what it's crack up to be
It's lonely, being one of a kind.
It's lonely, being one of a kind

Jan 16th 2006

In my opinion... Who says you can only use one idea for one story?

I've used the Red Ribbon Ary from Dragon ball in two of my stories alredy, and I plan to use it again if it is neccesarry.

So don't just use one story to house one idea, remeber, some people read different Anime stories as well.

Let them know what you've got.


Feb 5th 2006

You know what's really amazing about me?

I hae no romance in my life at all, and don't really even seek it.

But if you've seen my romantic fics, you'll probably wonder how I can do all that when I have no experince at all?

Strange huh?


April 4th 2006

Now this is a very special day for me.

It has been exactly one year since I signed on this site and became a member.

Thank you Mediaminer.org.

You gave me a place to post my fictions and my pics, and gave me the oopurtunity to meet people who appreciate my works.

Thank you everyone.

Sept 26th 2006

If any of you are wondering, YEs I'm afraid I did delete The Dakari's and the Takari's from my list.

I uploaded onto FF.net as well, and they sent me a warning, and I didn;t want to risk MM.org doing the same.

I had a bad feeling about the story in any case, but... I guess this was for the best.

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