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User Name:Foxy Grandpa
Name/Nick:Alexis Baccus
Last Visited On:May. 11th, 2005, 02:27:25, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Foxy Pope
Biography:Hello mortals =D I am Foxy Grandpa, everyone calls me Foxy much to my dis-taste but you may as well also call me that cx My favorite animes are.. lets see =| Hmm... Fruits Basket, Gundam Wing (though I've onleh read the manga xD I WILL see the anime one day though o_o;) Inuyasha, Card Captor Sakura.. I'm sure there's more but none that come to mind as of now =) I'm a severe Japanese subtitle person, I can barely handle any anime that english translated Dx They make my ears hurt honestly D= I don't like good anime getting the reputation of Speed Racer ._.; But I have seen some good ones, like Cowboy Bebop.... anyway, I'm more of a manga girl xD I also love videogames n_n I'm a Nintendo child really cx I love Legend of Zelda the most, WW is seriously under-rated DDDD= Uh, my home forum is Gaia Online, it's a really bitchin' place cx You may have heard of it. Feel free to PM me, my user name is Foxy Grampa, notice the diffrence. Just don't be a weirdo or anything D= xD
Anyway, this is my first time writing fanfics cx But I'm sure I'll do well '_' *fondles ego* =w= Purrr.... xD Yeah, you can look forward to lotsa malexmale couples o_o; Perhaps some femalexfemale couples. It's really what I feel most comfortable with cx If you have a problem with it, up yer ass with broken glasses =) Anyhoo~ so far the fanfics I know I'm going to do are Gundam Wing and Fire Emblem (hm, one with a massive ammount of fanfics and one with almost none at all xD;) but I'm contemplating maybe making a Wolf's Rain FF and maybe Kingdom Hearts, maybe even Pokemon O_O; Whoa, bad memories flooding back to me @_@ xD Anyway.. yeah, we'll see =3 I haven't even started writing anything yet! O_O I will soon Dx I swear! ._.;