User Name: | claw of the shuakku |
Name/Nick: | meryl |
Last Visited On: | Jun. 21st, 2005, 18:32:42, PDT |
Registered On: | June 06, 2005 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | sxyltlthng |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | hi my name's asuki. i like naruto, flame of recca ,and yuyuhakusho (hiei!!! ^__^). i like laternate pairings which i will be piosting soon.
NOTICE i have taken "the munchies" down because no one seemed to like it. i'm sorry! i just thought that if haku had lived, he and deidara (male OR female) would have been a really cue couple. |