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User Name:bakanellie1223
Last Visited On:Sep. 23rd, 2005, 12:43:42, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:spunky_monkey2001us
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hello! my name is danielle and i'm 15 years old. My life sucks. First, I have to thank the annoying stupid person who hacked into my bakanellie1223 account on fanfiction. net, causing me to lose all of my stories uploaded. I had 141 reviews for five chapters, which is a lot to me. That's almost 30 reviews for each chapter. ugh. some people are just SO effing stupid. I can't swear on this page, but it i could, you'd see a heck of a lot more curses. I'd probably impress inuyasha if it didn't traumatize him. Yup, I'm one angry little munchkin. I'm only 5 feet, so that's my nickname. So that's pretty much it for info. I'll probably be writing song fics, angsty, depressing, rape. yup. It helps me vent my anger at the Bush administration and the cruelty of the gods making me live in rural maine, instead of Japan. Don't think I'm one of those suicidal girls that are totally emo and only want attention. Honestly, I've never tried to kill myself. I'm not Gothic either, but they can be pretty cool people. Too much worshipping satan in my school, I'd rather not join in with basically everyone else. I'm NOT a prep. I can fit into all of the other social groups except that one. I love Sesshomaru, totally the best demon in inuyasha, and second place goes to Kouga. Shippo is third. For half demons there's Inuyasha first, Jinenji second and naraku third.
I HATE KIKYO. there will be kikyo killings in my stories, so bware! bwahahaha! My favorite pairing is SessKag, then there's InuKag. I LOVE lemon. writing it, reading it, everything. NOT a slut, though.
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