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User Name:LadyPrincePyro
Name/Nick:Megan MacNeel
Last Visited On:Oct. 25th, 2010, 21:58:38, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:oharaspyro
Biography:Most of you know me as 'Pyro', and a few of you even know me as 'Megan'. But who I really am...is a mystery shrouded in the dark arts of crime fighting...

Protecting my fair city with my arsenal of advanced and ridiculously overkill weapons, I combat the evils of Boredom and Monotony with an iron fist of justice! My secret identity allows me to blend in with the common students of the Art Institute, letting the public only see the face of a poor girl struggling to major in Media Arts and Animation. An average citizen who enjoys high tea, listening to cheesy garage bands at cafes, playing video games, and even managing to fit in karate 2-3 nights a week (a little-known japanese style, oddly enough).

However...once night falls...

I become the elegant superhero known simply as 'The Prince' or 'Prince Pyro'! Galavanting about the world in a stolen Akio-mobile and hot wiring gundams in my spare time, I swoop across the roof tops in my dueling uniform and zorro mask! Wooing hapless individuals with charm and wit, I kick Evil in it's face (with grace and elegance of course) all while playing a violin. Quite a feat to be sure...

But I also have my composed side, and enjoy painting, sculpting, rping at that silly little site known as 'Gaia Online'. Some of those floating internet people out there have even read some of the poerty and fanfics I've dribble onto paper. Although with all the epic battles at school and my 'night shift', that seems fewer and farther between.

But never fear, my fair citizens!! For while there is sadness and lonely hearts in this world, there shall always be an ass-kicking, rose flinging Prince to save you~!

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