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User Profile FanartFanartFanFicsFanFiction
User Name:President of the United States of Whatever
Name/Nick:Ms. Joey K.
Last Visited On:Nov. 05th, 2005, 07:12:16, PST
Registered On:November 11, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:theanimepunk
AIM Handle:Shaharazart
Biography:I was once a lowly woman NOT from Texas. I still am a woman (thank God), perhaps not so lowly, and I am still in fact not from Texas. Yet somehow, I managed to become president of the USW. Go figure. There's hope dear democrats! There's hope! Just not for another 2+ years.

Seriously though, I am an artist and writer. I don't draw fanart because...well...I prefer to use my imagination (no offense to all you marvelous fan-artists out there!). And I don't write fan-fiction because I hardly have enough time to write stories for MY characters!

But I sure as heck read fanfiction. Yes indeedy. I've seen the good. The bad. The ugly. The "OMFGZ0RZWTF?!?!?!?!?11eleven!!3684" too. Who knows? I might just post a small fic someday, but until that day...

...let the shameless criticism begin! =D