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User Name:brower47
Name/Nick:Jen Herington
Last Visited On:Nov. 20th, 2016, 23:32:49, PST
Registered On:December 12, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Well, I've been on this site for a while now, writing silly little stories and have finally decided to tell anyone who's interested, something about myself.

First, for reasons that are too silly and boring to explain, my first name is actually Jen and not Fran. What can I tell you, I’m a bit of a paranoid. I'm 27 years old, married, currently living in one of the Rocky Mountain States and am about to go back to school to become a nurse after having played at war as an Air Force officer for four years. I wasn’t sad when I graduated originally from college and am looking forward to working in the medical profession but not the schooling that’s unfortunately a prerequisite to get me there.

I write fan fiction because, to put it simply, I enjoy it. I constantly have different little ideas flitting around in my head and if you've read any of my stories, you have seen a glimpse into overactive mind. I don't write for profit and though I never failed an English class, it was never my favorite subject.

I'd say my weaknesses in writing are a lack of originality (I'm writing fan fiction and not original ideas), weak sentence structure (I know I have a tendency to get too wordy) and most definitely an overuse of commas (I always did hate those little things). Also, I've found that my ideas for a fic are always more grand than what I type out. I think that's due to mix of laziness and lack of patience. I'd say that the strong point in my writing is that I do finish what I start. It may take me a while but eventually, I'll get there. You can thank my mother and her ever present nagging when I was growing up for that one.

I'll admit that I am a bit of a perv. I, for the most part, only read the higher rated fics and they are the only ones that I write. I like sexual tension, sexual situations, sexual humor and basically everything else of a sexual nature in writing. Lemons are fun to write and though I don't write the most detailed scenes, I do love to throw them in from time to time.

And what a bio for a novice writer be without a list of one's favorite authors. A few of them are: David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, Dick Francis, Ayn Rand and many others. I have to limit myself in my fiction reading though because I’m the type that can’t put the book down until I know how it ends. Well, I think that’s enough for now. Hope you enjoy my little stories. Happy reading!

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