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User Name:sehwa
Last Visited On:Sep. 05th, 2007, 13:21:31, PDT
Registered On:March 03, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:I'm GOING to be famous some day! (or infamous...) I live with my mom and little brother, Charlie, I don't do drugs (well, other than a ton of perscription ones), I like to draw and write stories (with too many characters!), I love my doggie, and I love all my wonderful friends who take care of me! I stand up for things I believe in, and contrary to popular belief, the word GAY and the word STUPID are NOT interchangeable! If something's stupid, say stupid, not GAY! That pisses me off. I have no problem with gay people at all, and I hate racism, too. I can put up one HELL of a good argument, ingnorant people infuriate me, I think Korn rocks, Sailormoon is awesome, Rumiko Takahashi is brilliant, CLAMP is too cool, Bush sucks, liberal = pro-liberty, Jesus was a liberal, gays should be allowed to marry and adopt and have all the rights heterosexuals have, the death penalty should be enforced, mills sucks, republicans got their way and have nothing to bitch about (even though they still do), coca-cola kicks pepsi's sorry ass, dogs are better than cats, psychiatrists should have mental disorders, public schools should be funded better, michael moore has the right idea, art is in the eye of the artist, mike and leo are the coolest, and haruka should be president (michiru would be the first lady). WHEW! Got something to say about me now, bitch? BRING IT!

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