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User Name:UmiYuki
Last Visited On:Aug. 25th, 2006, 06:16:53, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Short Bio
Age: ... I'm not telling... (I'm in my teens so between 13 and 19)

Sex: Female (kind of obvious)

Favorite colours: PURPLE(all shades), silver, baby blue., pastel colors

Favorites sports: Volleyball, football(soccer), tennis, badminton

Obssesion: ANIME! and books (don't mess with the books)


For the every 25 reviewer I shall write a special fanfic for the reviewer. There will be certain limits but it is pretty much a free thing. This contest is for both my reviewers on mediaminer.org and fanfiction.net THis contest is made as a thank you for all of the people who take the time to read and review others fanfictions. Thank you in advance.

Rule 1: It has to be a fanfic on something I know.

Rule 2: Nothing longer than 3 chapters

Thats I can think of so far so thank you in advance for the reviews.
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