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User Name:AngelicChaos
Last Visited On:Dec. 01st, 2010, 15:55:50, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:AngelicChaos1981
Biography:I am a 27 year old female, even though my bad spelling says other wise. I love to write, even if I am not very good at it. *Blush* I love to talk to people and chat about anime or anything for that matter.

I also want to add, that my authors name used to be Lady Moon. So if you see only dabble post by different names, don't worry Lady Moon, and AngelicChaos, are one in the same. ME! ^__^ I just lost my password, or cant get it to work. LOL Well Ja ne, for now. ^___^ *Wave happily*

Update. I got into my Lady Moon accounted today. On 05/06/2008. I have removed all my story's form that account and moved them here. Hopefully that well help infasized that I AN LADY MOON, just going by AngelicChaos now. -_-;

As soon as I finger out how to cancel the account. I will. I just have to figer out how first. It anyone would like to, that can IM and tell me how to do this. I would LOVE to hear form you. I just want to get that account off and forgotten about.

This is my life story and why my spelling and gramer is so bad. Please tack the time to read this, for it will help understand me and my writing better. I know some of you are rolling your eyes, and saying why is she tell us all this, well if you read my story's, you would think I just didn't tack the time to spell check or get a beta. Well that is not entirely true. There is a reason my spelling is so back and why I usually don't have a beta. So please be pasiont and read my story. You will understand at the end. Promise. ^^

(Note: if you have a hard time figuring out the word, just sound them out, I spell things the way they sound. ^^; )

~My Life Story~

*sigh* Ok frist off. No, english is not my seconed languge, even though I did know Grick better when I was little, than I did english from leveing Greas at such young age. (Dad was in the Army, and my familly where stasioned there when I was little) but that is not why my english is so bad. The resion is because I have a learning disablitle. And when I was little I had bad seazers. Because of the meds the doctors had me on, I didn't really learn the basics of English waitting, reading and spelling, or anything else for that matter. And because of all that, most teacher didn't want to put in the exstra help I needed to learn, they just put me in sperchil Ed.

To be honest, I didn't really learn how to read untell Hight School. My best friend at the time, tuck me aside and talte me how to read through Rommanice Noviles. LOL My teachers in high school hated it. I would constely be reading them in class, or carring them around in full veiw of them. They tryed to get my mother to get me to stop reading them, they didn't think it was the right "mattareal" to be learning from.

LMAO So she told them to shuve it up there asses. I was reading and enjoying it. There was no way in hell she was telling me to stop reading, just because they didn't wont to tack the time and teach me, the right way. She also told them that just becuse someone else, that wasn't a teacher, actule tuck the time to teach me, even if it was in an unconvetionle way, they (The Teachers) had no room to complan. At lest I was reading and trying to learn, and that was more than she could say for them.

LOL I had never been more proud of my mom when I heard that a few years after high school.

Ok back to the story...The seazers killed alot of my brain cells, to the pont that my brain in a sencs it had to re-wire itself, which tock years to do. The mids they had me on keep me in such a daze that I couldn't constrate on what my teachers where trying to teach me in the frist few years of school.

After awhile my mom got tired of haveing a Zomby for a daughter, so with carefule care, tuck me off the mides. (She was a nerics before marrying my dad, so she know to an exstent what she was doing) but by that time I was so far behind in school, that to this day, I am still playing catch up. *tired sigh* I have yet to have anther sezer sincse comeing off the meids. Which is great, but I have lost alot from being on them so long than.

Sevirle people have tried to help me with my writting and spelling. But because most of the stuff I lean was on my own, I have a very hard time spell words the right way. I spell things how they sound, and when alot of words haveing more than one meaning it really hard getting the write words. Thats way spell check dosn't work for me. I have a very hard time picking the right word, cause their all the same, jsut with different meanings, and spellings.

This is also the resion why most betas will not tack my work on. My spelling and gream is so bad that they dont' wont to dell with it. I can't blam them for that fact eather. But it is hard for me to find someone willing to work with me and my handcapse. -_-;

Its very frustrating on my end. I try so hard, but I seem to never make any progress with it. I love writing. Its my out let. A way to make a better world for myself and others. The world is not a very nice place. I have dealt with alot of critasziom in my life. With peers and adults (when I was a kid). The only people who ever be saportive of me have been my parents. No teacher, very few friends, no doctors, I had to fight for everthing I ever gotten in life that my parints couldn't give me. I nearly killed myself in high school cause of it.

I came home one day from school, and want to sleep, and didn't wake up for two weeks. (At lest that what I think my mom told me.) It was like a week befor my mom figered out what was going on. She thought I was just sick and was letting me rest, but when she relized I hadn't even got out of bed to use the bathroom or eat, she got scared. She couldn't wake me up. She bathed me and took me to the doctor.

When the tryed to get me to wake up, I freeked out, and they had to sdatie me. I didn't want to wake up apparently. I was trying to die they told her. It was one of the strangest suside attatemts they had ever seen.

*crying and laughing*

I wake up a week later, at home. (I quess they didn't think I was in any dager of tacking pills or cutting. LOL consendering that sleep was my chose of death. )

And they were right. I didn't and wont try that. I am to affered of pain to cut myself, I have enough emousion pain, I don't need to had phisyicle. And with pills, well knowing my luck, I would serive and haveing my stumice puped is not something I am willing to try out. So ya there safe from all that.

For the longest time, I wasn't aloued to be alone. I even had to leave the bathroom door open when I was useing it. But I completly understand that. I would do that to if my kid tryed what I did. But the thing is I didn't do it concheisly. I just came home that day, tired, and so I want to bed. Last thing I remember thinking befor falling alseep that day was, I give up. Next thing I know I wock up two weeks later. I was shocked to hear what happen. I didn't know I was that bad.

So ya, after that I tuck up writting. I need a way to get everthing out. I had tryed to talk to my mom and dad, but that didn't really work. I tryed friends, but every time I tryed to trust someone, I was betrated so I was left with myself. I didn't want to have a reliaps so I tuck up writting. Pomes at frist and than storys.

I have a whole book I wrote on my computer. It took me three years to write it. It a fantiace and kinda my life story, theres going to be two more parts of it. Each one stated a different times of my life.

After writting I found Anime, and now it is anther part of my out let. I watch it and lose myself in them. I go to another place, to that world, and not have to face realitly for the short time I am watching it. Its an obssesion with me.

But it has to be. I wouldn't be able to held my real world without it. I can't turst people to stay with me, to help me, to confurte me, but anime and writting can. Its always there. There worlds have there happy endings, everthing always works out, unlike here in the real world. We very realy get our happy ending, we just have to make the best of what we have, and work our asses off to serive. Its a hard life, a hard world, for everyone. We just have to do the best we can. And just hope to serive anther day. Hope is all we got. And Anime and Wirtting is my Hope.

LOL Well thats enought of my sad past, I hope that helps you understand a little bit better about me and my writing. ^^

Now on to some happer stuff. *doing happy dance* Some of my fav anime and pairings.

Suske/Naurto or Naruto/Suske

Princ of Tennis:
Any and all Yaoi pairing from these guy are great for me! ^^

YuYu Hakausho:
Yuske/Kuwabara or Kuwabara/Yuske
Hiei/Karuam or Karuam/Hiei


Gundam Wing:

Herro/Duo or Duo/Herro
Wufei/Duo or Duo/Wufei

And just about any other pairing you can come up with. Those are just my faves. ^^; If anyone what to IM to chat or whatever, do so. LOL I love talking and meeting new, and "NICE" people. ^^;
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