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User Name:AngelGirl101
Last Visited On:Dec. 17th, 2013, 07:32:41, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hello to all you fanfiction fans out there! Welcome to my profile!

Finding Me

FanFiction.net: Isis101

FictionPress.com: Isis1001

Mediaminer.org: AngelGirl101

DeviantArt: AnimeObsession19 (no pics at the moment)

Facebook: I have an account but I do not use it for fanfiction purposes so please don't try to find me there. You won't be able to.

I don’t use Twitter, MySpace, Live Journal, MSN, blogs, etc.

Contacting Me

You can freely contact me through Fanfiction.net, FictionPress.com, or Mediaminer.org (see above for links) and I will try to get back to you a.s.a.p.

My Fanfictions (Updated: 12-17-13)

This is my update section for my fanfictions. Currently, I only have one posted but eventually I should have many more. I just ask – beg – that you guys stick with me, even though there will likely be times that I don’t update for a while. As you will see in this section, I have planned out update times and I hope I will be able to stick with them. There may be adjustments and changes but, whatever happens, I will let you know right here. Thank you so much for reading my fanfictions! I love you all!

As a side note, I am going through a major revision with ‘A Red Rose’ and ‘Opposites Attract’. This is part of the reason I haven’t updated in so long. I’m not trying to make excuses. I seriously have just had a lot on my plate with work, attempting to get a career job for the rest of my life, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life. I am, however, determined to keep going. I will not abandon any of my stories. It may be slow, but I will update. Once my revision period is over, I will be on the schedule I have set here. How long that may take, I have no idea, so I appologize in advance.

Back to my revisions... I have finished editing 'A Red Rose' and am currently working on outlining what I want for the remainder of this section of the trilogy. I am writing and posting this fanfic semi-monthly. Simultaneously, I am editing 'Opposites Attract'. For both of these stories, I seriously recommend re-reading them. There are a lot of changes, many of which will become important to the overall plot. So, PLEASE, re-read them. The post of the newly updated version of 'A Red Rose' has marked the start of my new schedule (seen below). Now, I am editing and revising ‘Opposites Attract’ which, consisting of only four chapters at the moment, will not take me nearly as long as 'A Red Rose' did.

EDIT: This summer I registered for a Publishing Certificate program that began in the fall and will continue until April 12th, 2014. This is the reason for the lack of updates until now. I am currently on my Winter Break and will try to squeeze as much writing in as possible during the holidays. However, due to my overload of courses (necessary in order to complete this certificate in one year), my fanfics will likely (almost certainly) see a temporary hiatus until at least March (as three of my six courses are only half of a semester long and thus finish at the end of February).

A Red Rose (1st in Rose Trilogy)

Anime: Naruto

Pairing: Itachi Uchiha and Amaya Uchiha (OC)

Next Chapter Release: March 2014 (approximate guess) - Chapter 10 (Writing)

Updates: Semi-monthly (1st and 15th) *likely will see a temporary hiatus until March 2014*

Summary: (Rated T) In the past, before the Uchiha massacre, an orphan with an unsure and mysterious history finds herself adopted into the Uchiha clan. Now, she must deal with being an outsider in an unfamiliar village while desperately trying to discover her own identity.

Opposites Attract

Anime: InuYasha

Pairing: Sesshomaru Taisho and Edana Calder (OC)

Next Chapter Release: March 2014 (approximate guess) - Chapter 4 (Writing)

Updates: Semi-monthly (8th and 22nd) *likely will see a temporary hiatus until March 2014*

Summary: (Rated M) When an ancient legend reveals itself, and a young woman finds herself swept into the past, two worlds collide and Edana must find the strength within herself to overcome the borders that exist between demons and humans, all the while proving that opposites do attract.


Anime: Naruto

Pairing: Deidara and Sakura Haruno

Next Chapter Release: March 2014 (approximate guess) - Chapter 2 (Writing)

Updates: Monthly (29th) *likely will see a temporary hiatus until March 2014*

Summary: (Rated M) On the verge of death and unrecognisable due to numerous burns, Deidara is taken back to Konoha by the compassionate - and oblivious - Sakura. Stuck there because his injuries, Deidara must hide his identity to survive.

Blood Lust

Anime: Hellsing

Pairing: Alucard and Sada Aradia (OC)

Progress: Outlining

Release Date: N/A

Summary: (Rated M) As a young vampire hunter, Sada hunts the beings that would hunt her. Cursed since before she can remember with blood that seems to call to every vampire she encounters, Sada is shocked when she meets one that appears to be able to resist the siren call... one that refuses to die.


Anime: InuYasha

Pairing: Sesshomaru Taisho and Mina Harumi (OC)

Progress: Outlining

Release Date: N/A

Summary: (Rated M) Betrothed at birth to end the war between the East and South demon clans, two young inuyoukai are brought together in the hopes of a peaceful future... a future which may not turn out to be as peaceful as they first thought, nor as simple.

Goodbye, My Love

Anime: D.N.Angel

Pairing: Dark Mousy and Sora Kiyoshi (OC)

Progress: Outlining

Release Date: N/A

Summary: (Rated T) When a girl returns a Niwa’s love, Dark disappears until he is reborn again. But what if Dark beats Daisuke to the punch? What happens then? When Sora enters the picture, this is only one of the many problems that the boy, the girl, and the thief must each consider while attempting to love and be loved in return.

A Black Rose (2nd in Rose Trilogy)

Anime: Naruto

Pairing: Itachi Uchiha and Amaya Uchiha (OC)

Progress: N/A

Release Date: N/A

Summary: (Rated M) N/A

A White Rose (3rd in Rose Trilogy)

Anime: Naruto

Pairing: Itachi Uchiha and Amaya Uchiha (OC)

Progress: N/A

Release Date: N/A

Summary: (Rated M) N/A
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