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User Name:ToriMiu
Name/Nick:Jessica Fung
Last Visited On:Feb. 18th, 2009, 22:13:47, PST
Registered On:December 12, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:ToriMiu
Biography:Hellos out there^^

I'm Jessica. I live in the USA... don't know if I should go any deeper than that... I'm Asian-American... though I guess that doesn't really matter... aaaanywaaaays.......


There's really only one thing you really need to know about me. I am forever and ever, completely and utterly fatithful and devoted to my one and only true love, Hatake Kakashi. ^^ Just to get that straight with anyone.

I don't watch any anime, mostly due to the fact that I don't have the channel on our TV...
But I do love manga... though my selection is utterly pitiful... *sigh*

My favorite manga include Naruto (no brainer there^^), Death Note, Fruits Basket... well, there's quite a few more... but there sorta slipping the mind at the moment... ^^;

I also like a lot of books, my list, of which, includes the not very well known Harry Potter (that was a little bit of sarcasm... never mind), Twilight, any books from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Companions of the Night... and whole lot more... but they're slipping my mind too...

I LOVE KAKASHIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also really, really like Severus Snape, from Harry Potter. I think he terribly misunderstood. I am totally on his side! I think he's awesome^^ Though not as good as Kakashi... Kakashi is the king of awesome.

My abosolutely favorite Naruto pairings include:
Kakashi X OC (especially when they're in 2nd person. Guess why^^;)
Naruto X Hinata
Lee X Sakura
Neji X OC
Sasuke X OC

I'm pretty ok with a lot of them...
But I absolutely HATE Kakashi X Iruka pairings!!! Because Hatake Kakashi is MINE!!!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to stop reading them... My heart breaks everytime T.T

I also like Snape X OC pairings^^

I guess that's about it... I don't know what else to say... mind's sorta blank at the moment... probably have to do something about that...


Byes out there^^ for now anyway... ^^;
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