User Name: | Dramamine |
Name/Nick: | Katie |
Last Visited On: | Jul. 02nd, 2007, 13:38:26, PDT |
Registered On: | January 01, 2007 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | "Travelling, swallowing dramamine"
-Modest Mouse
Okay so a little about me, let's see.
I'm female 19 years old and from somewheres in Canada good luck finding me. I am a second year Psych Major. (not much else important)
A few of my fave things consist of
Bleach World
Wolf's Rain
Modest Mouse (raw genius a must listen for anybody)
The Stars
The Shins
(could go on forever)
I've never written fanfiction before but have read it for years, I'm taking a shot at it with 'Edit the Sad Parts' and hope I'm not doing to bad!
okay so now I have a profile, good, awesome, grand!
(please read and review my story! sweet,thanks!) |