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User Name:inner cameron
Last Visited On:Aug. 20th, 2007, 09:54:19, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2007
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:camlyoko@yahoo.com
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Name: Cameron

fanfic name:inner cameron

Age: 15

B-day: march 31 (it's all about aries :D)

dislike: fruit (olny artificial) shallow people, horror movies and seafood

likes: fanfiction (of course) myspace, harry potters books monkeys ( I nuts for monkeys haha..) and anything that makes me laugh

favorite type of fanfic: yaoi, I luv yaoi fanfic there so romatic, I also like naruto, harry potter, kingdom hearts that preety much it..

favorite quote: never let your fear be your down fall , no one like fat chicks (jk.. but it hella funnie)

favorite phrase: this aint burger king, you can't have it your way

Favorite shows: naruto, inuyasha, drawn together, south park, mind of mencia and dave chappelled (sp)

there not really alot to say about me, I get hella random somtimes I love lady sovereign I hate that bitch fergie, hillary duff and paris hilton there hella ugly and they all went thru plastic surgery.. um my favorite colors are baby blue, orange red, jade, yellow and black my fav foods are fried or boil ribs and chicken, ramen, beef and roast beef flavor vanilla Ice cream, mashed potatoes casserole and dounuts

oh and if you want to reach me halla at me innercameron@yahoo.com or camlyoko@yahoo.com


inner cameron

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