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User Name:galassia
Last Visited On:Jul. 07th, 2007, 01:57:10, PDT
Registered On:July 07, 2007
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:jaded_dementia
AIM Handle:blackmagehime
Biography:Names Loni or Galassia. Heck.. whatever you want to call me is fine.

I'm a yaoi and yuri fan but I like het pairings as well. Really, as long as the story's good, I like it. Gay, Straight, or what have you.

My fandom's cross multiple genres and planes but my top favorites are Star Wars, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings(books), and Harry Potter(books).

If you ever want to contact me, I'd be happy to talk. All of my messenger names are listed and my MSN name is also my email. So if you want to bother me to speed up on a story or just want to talk hit me up.
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