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User Name:I am Jacks Panic
Last Visited On:Sep. 09th, 2007, 14:35:35, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2007
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a

So I live in the US.
I don't like it very much, but what are you going to do?

I probably won't post many fanfics on here, if any, because I'm a lurker.

That's what I do.
Sort of like a profession.


I'm fond of commenting on people's work. I support constructive criticism, and look down on flaming.

Most of the time, I will probably be reading lemons and pwps. Sometimes I am in the mood for a good story, though.

Despite my plot choices, I always like for the things I read to be tasteful and well written.

In other words, if you don't know how to spell or type, I won't read what you've got. No offense, it's just a pet peeve.

Some of my favorite topics to read about would be:
Death Note
Fullmetal Alchemist
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy in general

and lots more.

= D