User Name: | TheDreamQuill |
Name/Nick: | Alice |
Last Visited On: | Oct. 14th, 2007, 23:02:02, PDT |
Registered On: | October 10, 2007 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | foolishly_skeptical |
AIM Handle: | AliceYChang |
Biography: | My fellow readers,
I am working positively hard on my fan fictions, but, at last, school is corrupting my valuable time. I would like to apologize for the delays in my postings.
I would also like to apologize for my written works. I know they're too short right now, but, no fear, they'll become longer.
I promise.
Don't be anger with me!
"Anger" was intended as a weird pun.
Latest News
I know my postings have been exceedingly slow (Slow meaning, several months slow). It was mainly due to the fact of finals, summer school, and, currently, the starting of a wondrous year of...more school. But heed no fear, for I am beginning to return to my writing and you shall all soon see the next chapter of "The Descendants." I may also add, I am going to start a fan fiction for Naruto! Cheers, yes?
Soak in the joyous prospect of being able to continue your long awaited reading. I certainly am.
What I write?
I like to write some fan fictions from the Anime/Manga, Movies, Television Shows, and Books category. I don't think I'll write the names of the stories I do because it'll be too long.
About Me:
Well, my name is OOC woman (Isn't it bloody awesome?). I am currently fifteen, turning sixteen on August 10. I'm American Chinese, love animals, and a bleeding straight A's student. I hope to become veterinarian and lawyer when I'm older. I would also like to be a part-time writer, manga artist, and an actress. I will not be a singer, for my lack of talent in that area, which basically means I'm not good at all. My hobbies consist of reading, writing, drawing, watching television, and going on my beloved Lappie (laptop). I am a very simple person, who just wants to be happy and make friends. (I'm, furthermore, a skeptical, harsh, mean, rude, spiteful, devious, sly, heartless, outspoken, and blunt female). I have a problem on the following area: Getting along with Johns, Jonathans, Jons, and Jonathons. (Don't ask me why, I will be unable to answer your inquiries)
My homepage is still currently in construction, so don't expect anything on there. It'll take me a while to update it with all the work I have to do. The only thing you could really do is to wait. As I put it: "Waiting is the Best Policy"
Well, honesty as well, but that's a different story.
Well, that's about it for now. I'll try to add more when I have the time to or when I think of something new to write about.
Tara 3 (Meaning: Bye!)
The Dream Quill
AKA Leo/Rebel/Alice/Fli/OOC woman
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM): Alice Y Chang [roleplaying username that I am constantly on
Yahoo! Messenger: foolishly_skeptical or AliceYChang [either one
Electronic Mail Addresses (E-Mail Addresses):,, and
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