User Name: | Angel_Untaimed |
Name/Nick: | Sia Koneko |
Last Visited On: | Dec. 16th, 2008, 14:18:05, PST |
Registered On: | October 10, 2007 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Your~
Name: Sia K. Koneko
Birthday: July 18, 1993
Birthplace: God I have no idea, Davis or Woodland
Current Location: cant know damnit. >O
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Purple to brown
Height: 5'4-ish
Weight: O_o my god I have no idea
Over-used Phrase: ALRIGHTY THEN!/YUZZAH!
Your Favorite~
Food: ....don't ask me these things
Number: 2
Color: ...Silver/blue/black
Animal: Kat (heh, I know theres two t's!)
Letter: O_o ftw
This Or That~
Pepsi Or Coke: Coke
Mcdonalds Or BurgerKing: RUPES DAMN YOU!! >D
Strawberry Or Watermelon: O_O I cant choose...or spell for that matter
Hot Tea Or Ice Tea: Iced Tea DAMNIT
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla..Mello would kill me though
Kiss Or Hug: Hugs make me happy!!!! 8D
Cat Or Dog: Kittys win damn you >[
Rap Or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary or Funny Movies: ...tough choice
Love Or Money: Love, but if theres money thats good too! =D
Bedtime: 9
Most Missed Memory: Living in Cali T_T
Best physical Feature: I like my lower legs. XD
First Thought When woken up: Damnit...
Goal This Year: MAKE MORE MONEY! >D
Fears: Instantaneous Human combustion and to figure out how my mind REALLY works
Heritage: Philipeen/American
Longest Relationship: I ounno. I dont count. ^ ^;
Have You Ever~
Drank: Yosh
Smoked: non
Been Drunk: On Life! 8D
Been Beaten Up: Kinda? My sister
Beaten Someone Up: Same Sister
Shoplifted: I stole an Eraser XD
Skinny Dipped: O_o hell no that waters cold!
Kissed the Opposite Sex: duh
Been Dumped Lately: no
Admit it, You've always wanted to know this stuff about me.
~ Family Matters
Mom: Assasinated when I was three, named Clarissa; Cat and Shadow demon.
Dad: An old fashioned regal vampire named Kain(thats right).
Brother: A demon exterminator named Nero. WHOO!
Other Adult family members~
Grandma: Kiyosha, Clarissa's mom. Some what psychotic, BUT IN A GOOD WAY! Can turn into a cat at will, yep, SHE'S the cat parent.
Uncle(1): Raziel. Not quite Kain's brother, but we see him often enough. UNDEAD! Lives off souls of the deceased...he steals them from kikiyo. >3
Uncle(2): JIMMY-BOB! Actually he's the Elder-God, Raziel's boss. ^ ^
Aunt: Kilala! Mothers side of course, never stays in her Sub-human form.
Other Not-quite adult family members:
Cousin: Naraku! Thats right, he's from Jimmy-Bob's side. Not sure who his mother is though.....
Possible people related~
Aunt/Uncle- Yoroichi, might be related to Kilala-san.
Other people living with me but not related~
Adopted list:
Naruto: Sasuke, Lee, Gaara, Haku
Bleach: Hanataro, Renji
FMA: Envy!!!
Yes, my house is large damn you >[
Fan Fic Matters
I am currently working on...a lot. ^ ^; mainly two involving Kyuubi And Shukaku (Play Things) and one devoted to my Otou-kun and Okaa-san (Their Story) so those are a few you can look forward to. I've already posted some of Play Things. |