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User Name:Aura Depths
Name/Nick:Elaine Hedden
Last Visited On:Jul. 28th, 2010, 01:36:09, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2008
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hello! I'm introducing myself as Aura Depths here, and welcome to my page! -feels cheesy- For a brief description of myself, I'm a girl, 22, tall, shoulder blade length dark brown hair, hazel eyes, love anime and movies in general, and want to become a writer when I find the time. There, is that good enough? :)

For those who like the Inuyasha manga and want to read it all, here's a site for you! (Yes, Rumiko Takahashi has actually FINISHED the series, so this link is for you to puruse in your down time so long as you don't mind a translation version which will differ from the published work.) :D There's other manga on it too, if you're interested. Browse at your leisure!

http://www.onemanga.com/Inuyasha/ (Notice: InuYasha has a tendency to curse in this, so minors who think cursing's cool, enjoy. No advertising intended, you are more than welcome to find a different site)

A point I want to make clear now is that none of my stories (Current and future ones) will interrupt the bulk of the Inuyasha series by starting halfway through it or whatnot. I'll cut into the last few chapters, perhaps, but for the most part I like the dreadfully long series as it is, and I respect the nature of it, so my stories will only be continuations of Takahashi's work. So, if you want to be completely aware of how Sesshomaru gets his arm back, if Rin survives throughout the series, if Kikyo will ever TRULLY die, and how Inuyasha and Kagome's relationshit (sorry, relation-crap) stands, then click the above link and read what's been made before jumping into what I have here.

Also, if you're a hardcore Inu/Kagome pairing fan, then get off my page. Unless you want to be converted. I only say that because some people have indeed told me that I've converted them over to Sesshy/Kagome, so I'm not throwing an ego but rather a fact. Although I must admit I am pretty proud of them! XD They have seen the 'improbable relationship' that Takahashi prefers to leave in the closet. Me, I give it sun and water and TLC and watch it flourish. Good times...


ALTERNATE ACCOUNT: (the account with the 'clean' versions of some stories)

--> http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1514041/Aura_Depths

List of stories with different versions: (Example: Story name / chapter#, chapter#, etc.)

- Requiem of Time / 10
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