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User Name:Maria Sophania
Name/Nick:Maria Sophania
Last Visited On:Dec. 13th, 2009, 17:37:39, PST
Registered On:August 08, 2008
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Some Things about me:

I'm an aerospace engineer. Yes, I'm a rocket scientist. :) Really

I read and write because if I don't, I'd literally go crazy. The stress and demand of my profession pushes me to the brink of my sanity, and writing brings me back. I love expanding the world of the impossible, taking me away from the depressing world of reality.

Knowing this about me, then you can understand what the simply act of reviewing what I write, bad or good, means to me. I don't write for you. I write for me, but I probably won't continue posting what I write unless I've got reason to. If it's crap, then I don't what to waste your time. So to elaborate...

I despise "review soapboxes" but if you knew me, you would understand what difference a small review does to me. I'm an engineer and am constently reminded how inadequate I am by those better than me, so when I write fanfiction, I am essentially trying to forget the things of this world and encase myself in another. So when I do a good job, it abosuletly makes me go crazy when you let me know. It warms my heart, it keeps me writing, and that keeps me sane. I don't bother reminding you to review during my stories, I feel that if I truly did a good job, then you would be eager to click that little button down in the bottom left hand corner and tell me so.

I have a shit-ton of fanfiction just sitting on my computer, most of them unfinished thoughts. Some of it has a lot of potential, and one day I hope to finish some of it and post it. But you should know this: I don't post anything unless I already have it written. So if you are reading something of mine, know that some kind of end is already written up, and I will finish it. I have never not finished something, and choosing to not post fics unless they are completed on my hard drive is something I do for the reader and myself.

Most things I write are rather dark. Be warned. I'm a cynical person who's had a lot thrown her way. I absolutely love seeing a character engulfed in the darker side of life and overcoming it.

I'm also a single engineer, which means I'm not getting layed. Therefore, most of my stories will have something sexual in nature in it. If you are under aged, do not read. My stuff is generally not too specific, but still, you have been warned.

Here is a disclaimer for anything I write unless I am submitting original fiction (which don't really count on that due to my completion policy): I don't own any rights to the fanfictions I write. I simply use the characters and layout whatever my imagination sees fit. They all belong to brilliant imaginativists, and that does not include myself.


Sometimes life goes unexpectantly. The best you can do is follow whatever inkling that drives you to release.

Follow the muse, for she will guide you to your fame.

Follow your heart, for it will guide you to happiness.

Follow your dreams, for they will guide you to life.


I write what I can imagine. Even if my mind tells me a tale ending in sadness and woe, still I write. I may not always like what I write, but still I write. When all else in this world fails and your dreams seem so far away, there will always be the empty page...and I will answer the call to fill it with my words.
