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User Profile FanartFanartFanFicsFanFiction
Last Visited On:Oct. 04th, 2011, 10:53:01, PDT
Registered On:December 12, 2008
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Im 19 years old and a junior in college. Im a biology major/pre-med. Im currently engaged to my fiance who currently lives in Chicago while working on his ph d. I have been into anime, mostly into DBZ/DBGT since i was 11 years old; i stoped with my anime obsession around the age of 14 when i discovered boys, but I have recently stumbled into my old habbits of reading fanfincs. I am not a native english speaker which explains my grammar errors, I was originally born in South America. I dont have much time during the semester to be reading any fanfics , but when im on break i read as many as i can.
Im not sure if anyone will ever see this, since I do not write fanfics so just in case you accidentally ended up here, at least you left with some minimal info. on me.