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User Name:ConsistentlyInconsistent
Name/Nick:Demi Kate
Last Visited On:Jul. 29th, 2013, 09:23:27, PDT
Registered On:January 01, 2009
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:inuKgirl15
Biography:Directly copied from my profile over on fanfiction.net because I'm lazy:

Oh, holy cow. It has been so long since I've done anything fanfiction related (other than read). I definitely haven't abandoned any of my stories, I swear! There has just been so much going on in my real life.

An update for those who actually read this (or just want to know where in the hell I've been): I'm several years older and wiser from the last time I posted any chapters. I like to think that I've grown as a writer. My standards are higher and my technique is better. I'm panning my wedding! I'll be getting married towards the end of the year (2012). My fiancee and I have moved into our own place together. I'm working and trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. In the drama department, my family (me, my dad, and my brothers) experienced a massive betrayal by my now-ex-step-mother. It shook us all to the core and I still haven't forgiven her. I lost my grandfather with whom I was very close, and my fiancee lost his mother. For a while I experienced something truly odd medically. For months my mind was in a constant fog accompanied by frequent dizzy spells and a constant, lingering migraine. It also caused me to develop a debilitating stutter. I was in and out of the emergency room and my doctor's office. I was scanned several times to make sure that I hadn't had a stroke or developed a clot anywhere in my brain. All of my tests came back normal. They finally had to conclude that it was all caused by years of repressed stress and anxiety that had been triggered all at once by the loss of my grandfather. I've successfully completed speech therapy and am taking a combination of a few medications to manage my anxiety and headaches (that never fully went away). The fogginess finally cleared and I can concentrate again. I plan to get back to doing the things that I love and truly take joy in.

Probably what is the most major announcement: I WILL BE REVISING/REWRITING ALL OF MY STORIES.
Yes, it's true. I feel that I've grown and improved as a writer, and honestly most of my stories are currently an embarrassment. But I will tell you how much I plan to change each story.

Everything Burns: I truly love this story. I love the pairing, the plot, and I'm still fond of how it currently stands. Mostly, this will get an editing. I'll correct the small things like grammar and spelling, but over all I won't do much to this one.

Girl in the Gilded Cage: I'm going to be honest with you, guys. I have completely forgotten where I was going with most of this story. I remember being inspired in a history class I took a few years ago and that's about it. I know what the general plot was, but I have forgotten pretty much everything that I had planned for this. I rarely write this stuff down. This is the first and only time that my memory has failed me with one of my stories. This story will be edited for grammar and spelling, but remained mostly unchanged until I remember what in the world I was doing with this.

Death Is Only the Beginning: This is something that originally was not posted here. Hope you like the new and improved revised version!

Fragile: This story is my baby. There is still so much potential here! But I'm appalled at how the chapters are right now. They're sloppy and rushed and it just makes me cringe. This will be rewritten and fleshed out A LOT, but the general plot and events will remain the same. It's going to be new and improved. This was my first serious attempt at my OTP. I want it to live up to the standards that I have for it.

This stuff is probably going to take a while, but I think it will definitely be well worth it. Hopefully we'll all be happier for it as well. I want to do right by you guys and give you the decent, well-written stories that you deserve. For any returning readers who have stuck with me through the good and bad, you guys rock and will I will never be able to tell you just how much I appreciate you!

UPDATE: (4/30/12)
I've been thinking about the details of my revision plan, and here's how the process is going to work. I will finish and post all revisions before posting any new chapters. The posting of new chapters will take a few more days than anticipated because of how I've decided to do things. Instead of replacing one chapter at a time as they're done, I will do whole stories at a time. This will prevent the confusion of having new chapters followed by old chapters that may not be completely in sync anymore. (I know that sounds confusing, so here's an example: Someone reads revised chapter one then goes to chapter two which is still in it's original format. Changes to chapter one cause the story to no longer flow smoothly and confusion ensues.) So, to repeat, entire stories will be replaced at a time. Once they are all revised, new chapters will follow. I've decided to work on 'Death Is Only the Beginning' first because it has the most chapters. Others will follow, also likely determined by length in chapters, and hopefully this whole process will be quick seeing as the chapters are actually already written. Thanks for putting up with my nit-picking!
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