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User Name:GigaDioxis
Last Visited On:Mar. 18th, 2009, 18:02:41, PDT
Registered On:March 03, 2009
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
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Biography:Hello everybody who is on my userpage. I am GigaDioxis. You can call me Giga. Yes, I am a guy. Yes, I am a teenager. I love writing mature fanfictions. Some would call me a dirty hormone-induced pervert. I would disagree with them. The act of sex is 100% natural and often times is a beautiful act of nature. Although the US gov't would like you to believe otherwise. Why? Because the gov't is run by Christians. Back on point. I write fanfics on a wide range of things. From animes to cartoons to video games. In my fanfics there are some very exploitative sexual actions that occur in detail. Not to worry. At the start of every fanfic I will list every "Fetish" that will be written into the story. Don't bitch at me because you were too lazy to read the list, and stumbled upon something that grossed you out. I don't care if you hate me. I don't care if you think I have no life. If you find my work offensive-I would like to hope that you have enough brains to say "Hey-I find the description of this story to be gross. I will just skip and not click on it, and will not flame and bitch to the author." In real life I am gay, but I write several different stories with women in them. Think I'm contradicting myself? Then think harder. To tell it in lay-mans terms, I find sexual acts with a female to be enticing-when in reality I find females to be as sexually attractive as a block of wood. I like the idea of sex with a female-but in reality it will not work out. Its the same as unprotected sex. It sounds very pleasant and more convenient-when in reality you could end up with genital herpes and a baby. Understand? If not, oh well. Anyways, thanks for taking the time out to read this. Giga out.
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