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User Name:Vampyre Domino
Name/Nick:Shizuka Kuruizaki Hio
Last Visited On:Mar. 29th, 2009, 20:01:06, PDT
Registered On:March 03, 2009
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:lara_101_chick
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Just a random someonewho likes to drabble in her spare time. Not that I have much spare time, but I try. I know I don't update often, but if you read something of mine, please review. The feedback encourages me to update. Also, feel free to talk to me via Yahoo IM, just let me know that you saw this on mediaminer. Thank you and God bless.

PS!! If you recognize any of my fanfiction as belonging to lara_101_chick_93, don't be alarmed! That's me, this is just a new account(I changed my pen-name awhile back, sooo), I'm transferring the fics to here, and will be getting rid of the lara_101_chick_93 account shortly!
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