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User Name:LotusFlower
Name/Nick:Larjn Roberson
Last Visited On:Apr. 22nd, 2009, 17:49:51, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2009
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:lovelotusflower
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Well, I am a nineteen year old who loves different types of anime. My favoraite, being Inuyasha, Bleach, and the classic Sailor Moon. It may take me some time to update because, I am getting married and I have a one year old. So right now my life is kind of hectic. And writing is the only way to relieve the stresses of the world. To pick up a pen and a paper and write. Also, i will let you know if a chapter has been updated because it would look like this:

Chapter 1 (updated!)

This just means that I decided to add more information in a previous chapter, sometimes its minor, nothing serious, and sometimes is major!!! So just be on the look out. And oh yeah, I love reviewing work and roughdrafting work. If ever you need help, and you want an honest opinion about your work, just hit me up... Well, I have to go, baby is crying. Happy Reading!