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User Name:Phoenixmon
Last Visited On:Sep. 26th, 2010, 22:29:37, PDT
Registered On:August 08, 2010
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
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Biography:Hi my name is Phoenixmon I like writing and reading digimon fanfics I am pretty open minded about pairings the only pairing I don't like too much is Taiora because I feel it is overrated and in my opinion AguBiyo just wouldnt work.

But I will read and write Daikari, VeeTail, Takari, PataTail which I have one in the works currently but as I said I am very open minded with pairings. I love the digimon Phoenixmon she looks cool and is an amazing fighter. I hope you will all support me in my fanfiction and let me know how I can improve.
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