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User Name:RaptureNRuin
Last Visited On:Jan. 25th, 2011, 14:54:52, PST
Registered On:January 01, 2011
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
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Not looking for beta readers.

About Me

Gender: Female

Age: 20

So I'm yet another college student attempting to add to my busy schedule by writing fanfiction. xD Maybe not the smartest idea in the world, but it's an amusing hobby and it definitely passes time. For everybody that reads and reviews what I write, thank you. ^^ I'd also like to take a moment and note that if you see a user named violetflame945 floating around the site, be sure to leave a comment or two for her to read. xD She is my co creator on Blood Of A Hybrid (meaning once upon a time two college students sat down, fangirled over some of their favorite shows and pairings and decided that a good fic needed to be written. I came up with the original premise/story and decided to write it. My buddy helps me figure out small plot snags and problems, and essentially, gets to read my stuff before everyone else to make sure it's great for you guys. xD ) We both love to hear from you guys, and again, thanks!

As for me specifically, I'm currently enrolled in college - a junior about to begin my second semester- and I'm planning to major in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I like to draw from time to time, I'm a big video gamer and I'm constantly working on independent projects so that I can one day make my living off of being a writer. My favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy (not too hard to realize when you read what I write). If you ever want to message me to ask a question, request something or just leave a comment, feel free. ^^ For the time being I've got one fic underway. If all works out, you could see more from me.

Readers can start expecting updates from me at least once a week. Reviews help me to know who's reading and whether or not you guys like what you see. Happy New Year guys!

Stories and Such

-Blood of a Hybrid-

A mildly dark Kevin x Gwen fanfiction written mostly to satisfy myself and my co creator violetflame945, along with any readers who follow up with it. xD At the moment, Blood of a Hybrid is a rated T Fanfic for language and violence, though in the future it could move into M (I will clearly let you guys know, for those of you who wish to avoid stumbling upon very intense scenes, romantic or otherwise, which chapters these are). Really, the success of this fanfic depends very much on the people who read and hopefully, enjoy it. Since I'm new around here, I'm still getting used to the system and how everything works, so you'll have to bear with me as I write up chapters. Blood of a Hybrid is more or a less an AU verse in the Ben 10 series, very much like Ultimate Alien, with plenty of violence, aliens, criminals, heroes and sexual tension thrown in for good measure ( xP ). It should be clear that though things will be very similar to the series, many of the events taking place in this fanfiction did not happen in the show. The primary characters of focus are Kevin and Gwen, and yes, the story will involve romance.
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