It all started with Sailor Moon. Those poor girls never saw me coming, and we've never gotten along the same since. I'm not a mean guy, in fact, if you met me you'd probably agree that I'm very friendly and helpful.
I doubt very much the Sailor Senshi would say the same, because in Sailor Rifts I put them through it. I could blame the influence Stephen King or Harlan Ellison, but that just isn't true either. I picked up the pen and laid my hands to the keyboard. The rest was just in my head.
At first.
Now it just waltzes up from unexpected angles and clocks me when I'm at peace. As if. At this point I can't stop. I'm driven, and now I'm going to publish my first book. At least, that's the plan, all because of Anime fanfiction. It drove me to the style you read today... blame Anime.