I'm redderz! Or... ReD_FeNiX as you older people may know me by. ;D
I'm 18, and I live in the UK, in a small and very boring town. I go to college, and am studying Multimedia/Animation. :3
My art consists mostly of furry art, and anime, with some occasional junk thrown in.
I'm obsessed with Linkin Park, the color RED, role-Playing, the Internet, music, and art.
I do not take commissions and trades at the moment! Sorry!
Well, hope you enjoy my art, please leave comments so I know how to improve, and feel free to e-mail me or whatever. ^_^
BIG huggles to everyone that comments on my art regularly:- Jenni (BunnyR), Charlene (Silva Noir), Kerry (Cheesy), Jodi (Mimi, Myself & Iz) Ahlia (Qserenity), Heather (Ryu_chan), Alicia (Kaden), Laura (redelf), Jennifer (Pokin@chaPrincess), Shiana... and anyone else I forgot... I love you all!