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User Name:Jack
Name/Nick:Jack Manyon
Last Visited On:Sep. 08th, 2004, 19:45:30, PDT
Registered On:December 12, 2001
ICQ Number: 103800734
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Biography:I'm a Canadian writer (Yah! Canada Rocks!) that writes for fun. I'm a romantic type but sometimes I write action and I like digimon. I like all comments, good or bad (especialy flames, I need them to toast my marshmallows :) and would appreciate any feed back you might have on any one of my Fics.

As you will see as more and more of my fanfics are uploaded, I have the anyonying habit of tying my stories together into a sort of loose saga. Don't worry if you think you need to read every one of my stories to understand them, each stands alone, you can read only one and understand it and not have to read the entire library. :)

Status Board

Right, this is the place where you can see all the upcomming or in the works fanfictions I'm writing and then yell at me for not working fast enough. :)

Unfortunetly, I haven't been much active around here. Actualy, I kinda forgot about Mediaminer for a while. ^^;

But you'll be happy to know, I haven't been shirking my duties as an Auther (too much). I currently have two massive projects in the works at the moment.

One is the sequal to The Shinobimon trilogy. It's a crossover with the StarTrek: Voyager with the Digimon universe.
And I stick to the defense of 'it sounded good at the time' and 'I don't care, It's cool anyway'. Nyah ;P

The second, and really, the most ambitious and impressive of the two is my first original Novel: Two Worlds.
I have to say, I'm really proud of this one. As it is now, I've finished the first two chapters and have only a third of the, er, third chapter to go. So post some reviews and keep me off my butt! Go on! I dare you. :D

And I have to say, my work has become better since I've started so don't be disuaded by the horrible mess of my eariler work. Even though I'm told it's pretty good. Allow me the luxury of being hard on myself, please? ^^;

New Arivals:

Two Worlds, Chapters 1 and 2

I'm a part of an forum group where alot of the famous Digimon Authors come to meet. Feel free to come and see what's going on! Digimon FanWorks Message Board

DFW- "Where Digi-inspired fic-authors and fan-artists meet!"

Tell 'em Jack sent ya! :)
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