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User Name:RaeBurn
Last Visited On:Feb. 04th, 2002, 03:46:14, PST
Registered On:August 08, 2001
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:raebutn812
Biography:Hello, my name is RaeBurn. I just turned 16 and finally got my license! YEAH! Anyway, i love to write, it has always been a hobbie of mine, and of coarse i love to read other stories. Give me a hollar if you want to know anything else.

To everyone reading my story, One Night...just to let you know that i will hopefully add more to the story but i dont tend to add new chapters to this site...if you want new updates when they come out you can go to either www.fanfiction.net and user name RaeBurn or go to my website www.geocities.com/raeburn2003 Thank you!
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